石埜 正穂 (イシノ マサホ)



医学部 先端医療知財学





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  • 医学博士

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    Japanese Biochemical Society


    Molecular Biology Society of Japan





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  • ライフサイエンス   衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない  

researchmapの所属 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 医学系大学産学連携ネットワーク協議会   運営委員長  

  • 札幌医科大学   医学部 先端医療知財学   教授  


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  • 分子ウイルス学 細胞生物学 知的財産

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Misc 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Trials of vaccines for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Is there any hope of an improved prognosis?

    Toru Mizuguchi, Toshihiko Torigoe, Fukino Satomi, Hiroaki Shima, Goro Kutomi, Shigenori Ota, Masayuki Ishii, Hiroshi Hayashi, Sumiyo Asakura, Yoshihiko Hirohashi, Makoto Meguro, Yasutoshi Kimura, Toshihiko Nishidate, Kenji Okita, Masaho Ishino, Atsushi Miyamoto, Masamitsu Hatakenaka, Noriyuki Sato, Koichi Hirata

    SURGERY TODAY ( SPRINGER )  46 ( 2 ) 139 - 148  2016年02月



    Pancreatic tumors are chemoresistant and malignant, and there are very few therapeutic options for pancreatic cancer, as the disease is normally diagnosed at an advanced stage. Although attempts have been made to develop vaccine therapies for pancreatic cancer for a couple of decades, none of the resultant protocols or regimens have succeeded in improving the clinical outcomes of patients. We herein review vaccines tested within the past few years, including peptide, biological and multiple vaccines, and describe the three sets of criteria used to evaluate the therapeutic activity of vaccines in solid tumors.


  • Adenovirus E4orf6 targets pp32/LANP to control the fate of ARE-containing mRNAs by perturbing the CRM1-dependent mechanism

    F Higashino, M Aoyagi, A Takahashi, M Ishino, M Taoka, T Isobe, M Kobayashi, Y Totsuka, T Kohgo, M Shindoh

    JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY ( ROCKEFELLER UNIV PRESS )  170 ( 1 ) 15 - 20  2005年07月


    E4orf6 plays an important role in the transportation of cellular and viral mRNAs and is known as an oncogene product of adenovirus. Here, we show that E4orf6 interacts with pp32/leucine-rich acidic nuclear protein ( LANP). E4orf6 exports pp32/LANP from the nucleus to the cytoplasm with its binding partner, HuR, which binds to an AU-rich element ( ARE) present within many protooncogene and cytokine mRNAs. We found that ARE-mRNAs, such as c-fos, c-myc, and cyclooxygenase-2, were also exported to and stabilized in the cytoplasm of E4orf6-expressing cells. The oncodomain of E4orf6 was necessary for both binding to pp32/LANP and effect for ARE-mRNA. C-fos mRNA was exported together with E4orf6, E1B-55kD, pp32/LANP, and HuR proteins. Moreover, inhibition of the CRM1-dependent export pathway failed to block the export of ARE-mRNAs mediated by E4orf6. Thus, E4orf6 interacts with pp32/LANP to modulate the fate of ARE-mRNAs by altering the CRM1-dependent export pathway.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Analysis of the prevalence of tetracycline resistance genes in clinical isolates of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium in a Japanese hospital

    Yutaka Nishimoto, Nobumichi Kobayashi, Mohammed Mahbub Alam, Masaho Ishino, Nobuyuki Uehara, Naoki Watanabe

    Microbial Drug Resistance   11 ( 2 ) 146 - 153  2005年06月


    Prevalence of seven tetracycline resistance (TCR) genes-tet(L), tet(M), tet(K), tet(O), tet(S), tef(T), and tet(U)-which are known to be distributed to gram-positive cocci was analyzed for 224 Enterococcus faecalis and 46 Enterococcus faecium clinical isolates obtained in a Japanese hospital. Any of the TCR genes was detected in 75.9% of all the enterococcal strains. The tet(M) was detected at highest rates in both E. faecalis (75.0%) and E. faecium (69.6%), followed by tet(L), which was harbored in 6.7% of E. faecalis isolates and 30.4% of E. faecium isolates. The tet(O), tet(S), and tet(T) were detected in E. faecalis at low frequencies mostly associated with tet(M), while tet(K) and tet(U) were not detected. Nucleotide sequences of tet(S) from E. faecalis strains were identical to that reported in Listeria monocytogenes. Sequences of tet(O) from two E. faecalis strains were almost identical to each other and also to those from Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus mutans, Campylobacter jejuni, and Campylobacter coli, although minor sequence divergence was observed. The tet(T), which had been reported only in Streptococcus pyogenes, was found in five E. faecalis strains. Sequence of the enterococcal tet(T) differed from that of S. pyogenes by only four nucleotides (four amino acids) and showed high sequence identity (99.8%, amino acid level). Enterococcal strains with any one TC R gene or those with two TCR genes showed generally similar MICs of tetracyclines, and no evident difference in resistance level was observed.

    DOI PubMed

  • 特許法第35条が大学教員の発明の円滑な活用に与える問題点について

    石埜 正穂

    パテント ( 日本弁理士会 )  58 ( 8 ) 44 - 49  2005年


  • Comparison of NSP4 protein between group A and B human rotaviruses: detection of novel diarrhea-causing sequences in group B NSP4.

    Arch Virol    2005年

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受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 黒住医学研究振興財団研究助成


  • Kurozumi Medical Foundation


  • 秋山記念生命化学振興財団研究助成


  • The Akiyama Foundation
