木村 康利 (キムラ ヤストシ)



医学部 消化器・総合、乳腺・内分泌外科学講座



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  • 博士(医学)

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researchmapの所属 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 札幌医科大学   医学部 医学科 外科学第一講座 医学部医学科臨床医学部門講座外科学第一講座   講師  


研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 消化器外科学

Misc 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Hand-assisted laparoscopic pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreas head disease

    Y Kimura, K Hirata, M Mukaiya, T Mizuguchi, K Koito, T Katsuramaki

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY ( EXCERPTA MEDICA INC )  189 ( 6 ) 734 - 737  2005年06月


    Laparoscopic procedures for pancreatic surgery have been significantly improved recently; however, the number of successful laparoscopic or laparoscopy-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomies (PDs) has been limited. The limitations could be attributed to the complexity of the reconstruction procedures under laparoscopic observations and the high incidence of critical morbidity with PDs. To overcome the shortcomings, we developed the first hand-assisted laparoscopic pylorus-preserving PD and, in this report, present the case of a patient with a low-grade malignant tumor on the pancreas head. (c) 2005 Excerpta Medica Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Pancreas-sparing duodenectomy for a recurrent retroperitoneal liposarcoma: Report of a case

    Y Kimura, M Mukaiya, T Honma, K Okuya, E Akizuki, C Kihara, T Furuhata, F Hata, T Katsuramaki, T Tsukamoto, K Hirata

    SURGERY TODAY ( SPRINGER )  35 ( 1 ) 91 - 93  2005年01月


    Pancreas-sparing duodenectomy (PSD), which allows preservation of the pancreas in its entirety, is a promising procedure for low-grade malignancies of the duodenum, the periampullary region, and the neighboring retroperitoneum. We report a case of recurrent retroperitoneal liposarcoma involving the second and third parts of the duodenum, which was extirpated using PSD, after a right hemicolectomy for tumor invasion of part of the colonic hepatic flexura. The Roux-en-Y jejunal limb was sutured to the duodenal bulb in an end-to-end fashion, and the biliary and pancreatic duct systems were reconstructed with end-to-side anastomoses, placing the jejunal limb distal to the bulbo-jejunostomy after a septoplasty to repair the adjacent pancreatic and biliary ducts. Because retroperitoneal liposarcoma has a low incidence of lymph node metastasis, pancreaticoduodenectomy may be inappropriate, especially if minimally extensive surgery can ensure organ preservation. Pancreas-sparing duodenectomy could be the most appropriate procedure for nonepithelial malignant tumors located around the duodenum distal to the pylorus, which have no involvement with the pancreatic parenchyma or periduodenal lymph nodes.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • IV-C. 急性膵炎

    消化器疾患最新の治療 2005-2006    2005年

  • 【外科領域の感染制御】 胆・膵切除における感染対策

    外科   67   185 - 190  2005年

  • The management of SSIs in the biliary and pancreatic surgery

    Surgery   67   185 - 190  2005年

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共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 消化器癌における癌関連遺伝子の異常解析

  • 癌のリンパ行性転移に関する分子生物学的、臨床的研究