阿部 弥喜



保健医療学部 看護学科 看護学第二講座



経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2024年04月



    札幌市役所   保健師

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ライフサイエンス   高齢者看護学、地域看護学  

  • 情報通信   生命、健康、医療情報学  

researchmapの所属 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 札幌医科大学   保健医療学部   助手  


研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 高齢者

  • 保健師

  • 地域

  • e-health

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Social and physical effects of a pedometer and communication application among older men: a mixed-methods, pre/post pilot study

    Hiroki Abe, Tamotsu Kamishima, Ryoji Ojima, Michiyo Hirano

    Information, Communication & Society ( Taylor & Francis Online )    459 - 478  2021年07月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:   筆頭著者


  • Testing a frailty prevention program for older men during COVID-19: A 2-year mixed-methods pilot study.

    Michiyo Hirano, Risa Takashima, Ryuta Onishi, Hiroki Abe, Kazuko Saeki

    International journal of older people nursing   18 ( 6 ) e12575  2023年11月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    BACKGROUND: Frailty is a syndrome related to declining functioning attributed to aging. As a reversible, often improved condition, preventive measures for frailty can be effective. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate a frailty prevention program for older men comprising face-to-face meetings and an original social mobile application. We also examined the effect of COVID-19-associated social isolation on the implementation of this program. METHODS: We conducted a mixed-methods pilot study featuring a single group before and after comparison of 11 man participants, ≥65 years, living in Japanese cities with a spouse or relatives. Program outcome measures included frailty, loneliness, grip strength, step count and mental health status. Process evaluation considered the experience of participants through a semi-structured interview. RESULTS: The intervention period included an interval of self-isolation owing to the spread of COVID-19. Among the outcomes, grip strength decreased after intervention. No significant negative changes were observed in other items. Themes emerging from participant experiences with the program included 'Cooperation with researchers and contributing to research', 'Greater awareness of health', 'Interest in and experience of "newness"', 'Hesitation over active engagement', 'Casual ties with members' and 'Relationships that do not breach personal boundaries'. CONCLUSIONS: Although the COVID-19 pandemic overlapped with the intervention, participants maintained their mental health. The program was a novel, stimulating experience for older men and demonstrated the usefulness of information and communication technology in supporting their social activities. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: As a community health nursing initiative for older people, we propose activities that combine group and online support. Frailty prevention programs for older men must contain content that stimulates their interests, such as 'health' and 'newness'.

    DOI PubMed

  • Verification of the Effectiveness of a Communication Application in Improving Social Connectedness and Physical Health among Unacquainted Older Men: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study.

    Sakino Shinokawa, Hiroki Abe, Risa Takashima, Ryuta Onishi, Michiyo Hirano

    International journal of environmental research and public health   20 ( 3 )  2023年01月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of an application (app) in establishing social connectedness among unacquainted older men, as well as improving their physical health. The nine participants were men aged 65 and older in the subarctic zone of Hokkaido, Japan. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted as the study design. A questionnaire survey was completed before and after the intervention, and a semi-structured interview was conducted after the intervention. An app-installed smartphone was loaned to the participants, which allowed them to share pictures, voice recordings, and their step count. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and qualitative data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis to generate categories. The average age of the participants was 77.7 years. The relationship between participants who were interacting for the first time through the app advanced as their understanding of each other's personalities deepened. The average step count during the third and fourth months was significantly higher than in the first two months. By using the app, older men were able to build relationships with one another. In addition, visualizing the number of steps on the app was effective in improving the number of steps.

    DOI PubMed

  • Older rural people's perception of connectedness through a communication application: A qualitative descriptive study.

    Mami Kikuchi, Tamotsu Kamishima, Hiroki Abe, Ryuta Onishi, Risa Takashima, Michiyo Hirano

    Nursing & health sciences   24 ( 1 ) 163 - 173  2022年03月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Connectedness among older people is essential for healthy communities, especially among rural populations where limited social interaction and associated health effects may be cause for concern. In this qualitative descriptive study, we explored older rural people's perception of connectedness through a communication application. The study assessed 10 participants (mean age = 76.2 years) living in rural Japan who regularly participated in a senior citizens' club. From July 2019 to January 2020, the participants used a social media application developed by our research team to meet the needs of older people. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. Six themes representing older rural people's perception of connectedness were identified: (1) thoughtful consideration for members strengthened even without them meeting face-to-face, (2) encouragement received from familiar members, (3) joy in sharing daily routine with neighbors, (4) courage to advance through face-to-face interaction, (5) willingness to continue club membership, and (6) fear of disrupting club's harmony. Participants who used the application felt compensated for the lack of social interaction opportunities in rural settings and strengthened their existing relationships.

    DOI PubMed

  • 大学と自治体による公衆衛生看護の共同研究を推進させる要因

    平野 美千代, 大西 竜太, 高島 理沙, 阿部 弥喜, 佐伯 和子

    日本公衆衛生看護学会誌 ( (一社)日本公衆衛生看護学会 )  10 ( 3 ) 121 - 129  2021年12月  [査読有り]


    目的:大学と自治体との共同研究のプロセスを報告し,共同研究を推進させた要因を検討する. 方法:対象は都市部と地方の2つの自治体とした.まず,自治体ごとに共同研究のプロセスを記述したシートを作成し,共同研究の推進要素を研究者の観点から整理した.次に,保健師へインタビューを実施し,インタビュー内容から共同研究の推進要素を保健師の観点から整理した.上記2つの結果をもとに,公衆衛生看護の共同研究を推進させた要因を検討した. 結果・考察:共同研究を推進させた要因として,保健師と研究者の対等な関係性のなかでの目的共有があった.また,住民を第一義的にとらえる保健師の認識とそれに基づくコーディネートや,日々の活動を通じた保健師と住民との関係構築があった.さらに,共同研究と地域の健康課題解決の方向性を一致させる目的の再共有や,保健師の保健師活動に対する熱意や認識が示された.

    DOI CiNii

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講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Mix-Methodsによる男性高齢者のフレイル予防プログラムの評価:コロナ禍に展開した介入研究

    平野美千代, 髙島理沙, 大西竜太, 阿部弥喜, 佐伯和子


    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 札幌市に居住するシニアボランティアの社会とのつながりに関連する要因 第1報


    第6回日本公衆衛生看護学会(大阪市)   (大阪市) 

    発表年月: 2018年01月

  • 地方在住高齢者がとらえる交流アプリケーション活用によるつながり


  • 男性高齢者のつながりと運動に着目した交流アプリの効果


  • Creation of Connections Among Older people: Application Development and Prospective Study of its use

    H Abe, M Hirano, R Onishi, T Kamishima

    23rd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars   (Chiang Mai, Thailand) 

    発表年月: 2020年01月

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委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2024年06月

      実践ガイドライン委員会 委員

  • 2024年04月

      令和6年度地域保健総合推進事業 協力事業者