IKEDA Nozomu



School of Health Science, Department of Occupational Therapy, Second Division of Occupational Therapy

Job title


Education 【 display / non-display

  • 2005

    Sapporo Medical University   Graduate School of Health Sciences  


    北星学園大学大学院文学研究科(修士 社会福祉学)  

Research Experience 【 display / non-display

  • 2007.04

    Sapporo Medical University   保健医療学部・教授


Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display











Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life sciences   Psychiatry  

  • Humanities & social sciences   Clinical psychology  


Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Neurocognitive disorders

  • mental health

  • recovery

  • social cognitioin

  • psychiatric rehabilitation

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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Association between meaningful activities and behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia among people with early‐onset dementia using long‐term care services

    Kazuki Yokoyama, Ryo Miyajima, Kosuke Yama, Kiyotaka Shimada, Suguru Shimokihara, Mieko Moribayashi, Noriko Hirano, Nozomu Ikeda

    Psychogeriatrics ( Wiley )  25 ( 1 )  2024.12

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    Abstract Background The aim of this study was to clarify the engagement status of meaningful activities (MA) and its association with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) among people with early‐onset dementia (EOD). Methods This cross‐sectional study included 367 facilities that provide long‐term care insurance (LTCI) services in Sapporo, Japan. A questionnaire was sent to these facilities to determine whether they had ever cared for people with EOD who developed dementia before the age of 65 and used LTCI services. For facilities that had provided such care, the engagement status of MA for people with EOD was determined, along with the presence or absence of BPSD. Results A total of 54 facilities had experience accepting people with EOD (14.7%), and the statuses of 69 people with EOD were determined following approval for providing information from these facilities. In total, 27 of the 69 people with EOD (39.1%) were engaged in MA. Multivariate‐adjusted regression model revealed that the absence of apathy was significantly associated with the engagement status of MA after adjustment for age, sex, and dementia severity. Conclusion MA was performed by less than 40% of people with EOD using Japanese LTCI services, and it was negatively associated only with apathy among BPSD.


  • Linear association between frailty as assessed by the Kihon Checklist and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional population-based study

    Suguru Shimokihara, Kazuki Yokoyama, Hikaru Ihira, Yuriko Matsuzaki-Kihara, Atsushi Mizumoto, Hideyuki Tashiro, Hidekazu Saito, Keitaro Makino, Kiyotaka Shimada, Kosuke Yama, Ryo Miyajima, Takeshi Sasaki, Nozomu Ikeda

    Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research ( The Korean Geriatrics Society )   2024.10


  • Relationship Between Social Networking Service Addiction and Occupational Dysfunction in Young Adults

    Takafumi Morimoto, Tsukasa Murakami, Tsutomu Sasaki, Kazuki Yokoyama, Takao Ishii, Nozomu Ikeda

    OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research ( SAGE Publications )   2024.09

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    Social networking services (SNSs) are useful tools; however, problematic use leads to mental health problems. This study aimed to examine whether SNS addiction is associated with occupational dysfunction while considering the effects of depression. This cross-sectional study included 268 undergraduates who responded to the questionnaire on the frequency and time of SNS use, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), SNS-X scale, and the Classification and Assessment of Occupational Dysfunction (CAOD). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed effect of the SNS-X score for Instagram was significant (β = 0.174, p = .001) adjusted by the CES-D total score. However, the effect of frequency and time of SNS use were not significant. This suggests that SNS addiction, and not SNS use, is a factor associated with occupational dysfunction that should be emphasized and depression.


  • 認知症疾患医療センターにおける若年性認知症の就労役割支援の実態と課題

    宮嶋 涼, 横山 和樹, 森元 隆文, 大川 浩子, 池田 望

    老年精神医学雑誌 ( (株)ワールドプランニング )  35 ( 増刊II ) 253 - 253  2024.07

  • Association between occupational participation and depressive symptoms among middle-aged adults: A cross-sectional study in Hokkaido, Japan

    Kazuki Yokoyama, Kiyotaka Shimada, Takafumi Morimoto, Takao Ishii, Nozomu Ikeda

    Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy ( SAGE Publications )   2024.06

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    Aim This study aimed to investigate the association between occupational participation and depressive symptoms among middle-aged adults in Hokkaido, Japan. Methods Community-dwelling adults aged 40–64 years were recruited using snowball sampling, and 165 participants who returned the questionnaires and met the selection criteria were included in the analysis. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Occupational participation, including three domains (leisure, productivity, and self-care) and three aspects (occupational control, occupational balance, and satisfaction of performance), was assessed using Self-completed Occupational Performance Index (SOPI) questionnaire. Results Multivariate-adjusted regression analysis revealed that depressive symptoms were associated with lower occupational participation in the productivity domain (β = −0.34, p < .001), whereas analysis of each aspect of the SOPI showed a significant association of depressive symptoms with lower occupational control in productivity domain (β = −0.33, p < .001), occupational balance in productivity domain (β = −0.25, p < .001), and satisfaction with performance in leisure domain (β = −0.16, p = .045) and productivity domain (β = −0.35, p < .001). Conclusion Depressive symptoms was significantly associated with low occupational participation in productivity domain in middle-aged adults. In the domains of leisure and self-care, significant associations were found only between depression symptoms and satisfaction of performance. Occupational therapy interventions for middle-aged adults targeting the maintenance and improvement of participation in productive activities may help preventing depressive symptoms.


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Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display

  • 理学療法士のための知っておきたい!認知症知識Q&A

    池田 望, 牧迫飛雄馬・島田裕之 編( Part: Joint author, 46.軽度の認知症者に対する運動療法以外のアプローチ方法を教えてください)

    医歯薬出版  2018 ISBN: 9784263265635

  • 臨床実習フィールドガイド

    池田 望, 石川朗・内山靖・新田収 編(第5章 認知症・精神障害 統合失調症)

    南江堂  2014 ISBN: 9784524236305

  • 作業療法士プロフェッショナル・ガイド : 作業療法士とは何か

    池田 望, 杉原元子・古川宏 編( Part: Joint author, 日本における作業療法士養成(課程)の実際)

    文光堂  2013 ISBN: 9784830643996

  • 作業療法学全書, 第1巻 作業療法概論

    池田 望, 日本作業療法士協会編著( Part: Joint author, 作業療法の現状と課題 日本の作業療法の現状)

    協同医書出版社  2010

  • 作業療法学全書,第11巻 日常生活活動

    池田 望, 酒井ひとみ編, 日本作業療法士協会監修( Part: Joint author, 精神障害)

    協同医書出版社  2009 ISBN: 9784763921284

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Misc 【 display / non-display

  • 小規模事業場における作業療法士によるメンタルヘルス対策—Mental health measures taken by occupational therapists in small enterprises

    村上 元, 森元 隆文, 清本 憲太, 池田 望

    作業療法ジャーナル   56 ( 6 ) 572 - 576  2022.06

  • Relationship of frailty with occupational dysfunction and occupational balance in community-dwelling elderly: Questionnaire survey during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    横山和樹, 宮嶋涼, 松崎(木原)由里子, 小塚直樹, 池田望

    作業療法の実践と科学(Web)   4 ( 1 )  2022


  • A case of an adult with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in which interventions to improve recognition of the disorder and cognitive-behavioral strategies led to employment and subsequent job retention

    村上元, 森元隆文, 清本憲太, 池田望

    作業療法の実践と科学(Web)   4 ( 1 )  2022


  • Anxiety disorders in old age

    村上 元, 清本 憲太, 西山 薫, 森元 隆文, 池田 望

    作業療法ジャーナル ( 三輪書店 )  54 ( 4 ) 327 - 331  2020.04


  • 統合失調症患者におけるメタ認知の客観的指標と精神症状との関連についての検討

    森元 隆文, 横山 和樹, 中村 直子, 前田 さゆり, 池田 望

    日本作業療法学会抄録集 ( (一社)日本作業療法士協会 )  53回   OH - 3  2019.09

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Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • 社会的フレイル高齢者の抑うつや認知機能低下を予測する会話の客観的評価法の検討


    Project Year :


    横山 和樹, 齊藤 秀和, 井平 光, 池田 望

  • 北海道内の作業療法士が使用している神経心理学的検査に関するアンケート調査

    Project Year :


    齊藤秀和, 池田望, 太田久晶, 森元隆文, 横山和樹, 勝浦駿平, 飯田滉大, 竹内利貴

  • 成人期ASD者の就労支援を目的としたメタ認知訓練の新規開発と効果検証

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    池田 望, 大山 恭史, 森元 隆文

    Authorship: Principal investigator

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    1.本研究の目的と平成30年度の作業予定 メタ認知尺度に関する先行研究例、およびautism spectrum disorder(ASD)を持つ人のインタビューデータからメタ認知に関する三宮の定義を踏まえて尺度項目を抽出し、試作版の尺度を作成する。また、併せてASDの就労支援に活用できるメタ認知トレーニングの開発に着手する。
    2.実施結果 メタ認知尺度の作成に向け、三宮の分類に基づき「人間の認知特性についての知識」、および「メタ認知モニタリング」と「メタ認知的コントロール」に該当する尺度項目の抽出と整理を引き続き実施した。Teasdaleらによるメタ認知的知覚の評定基準も参照しながら抽出基準の検討と尺度項目の整理を進めた結果、三宮に分類に基づく三次元の尺度を想定するのか、メタ認知活動に限定する二次元もしくは一次元尺度とするかという尺度構成の見直しを含め、引き続き検討が必要と判断した。また、尺度項目によっては研究者間で解釈の異なるものがあり、ワーディングの詳細な検討も必要となっている。一方、尺度の検討と併せて就労支援を目的としたメタ認知トレーニング法の開発に着手した。開発に当たっては、既存のトレーニング法として、統合失調症を対象としたメタ認知トレーニングMetacognitive Training(MCT)、うつ病を対象としたD-MCT、および自己調節実行機能モデル(Self- Regulatory Executive Function Model:S- REF)に基づくメタ認知療法 (Metacognitive. Therapy:MCT)等を参照し、さらにASDの診断基準、障害特性を踏まえて基本的な構成を検討している。

  • Construction Circular Circulation Support Model for between Parents with Mental Illness and psychiatric medical service

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Sawada Izumi, ITO eriko, UCHIDA azusa, TKAMURA mika, KURODA miyuki, YOSHINO junichi

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    We conducted the following activities: (1)providing parent support programs in mental clinics; (2)establishing a location for study participants to tell their opinions to community supporters; (3)survey on cognitive functioning and parenting activities; (4)a survey on the usefulness of oxytocin as an evaluation index for parenting support. Through the support program, participants showed improvements parenting attitudes. Through the participation in feedback activities, participants showed increases in behaviors of supporting others, and community supporters developed a raised awareness of the importance of support to focus on the strengths. However, parents had parenting experience with low care, and the characteristics of the cognitive functioning related to inadequate parenting attitudes. It is necessity to develop programs for dialogue about their parenting experiences and for cognitive function training. In addition, oxytocin seemed to be effective for evaluation indicators.

  • The relation between social cognition and social maladjustment in adults with Asperger syndrome: An analysis using text-mining

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



    Authorship: Principal investigator

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    This study investigated the characteristics of social cognition, neuro-cognition and social maladjustment, as well as the relationships among them, in people with Asperger syndrome (AS) and analyzed social maladjustment using a text-mining approach based on the frame of reference of AS. The results suggested that specific social maladjustments were possibly analogous to the cognitive characteristics of AS. The maladjustment has been suggested to occurs when the rather logical and appropriate reasoning in AS is no longer able to deal with illogical problems of neuro-typical such as situation-dependent, likes- and dislikes-dependent, naive cynicism.

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Teaching Experience 【 display / non-display

  • 保健医療総論4  


  • 地域生活科学   ( Postgraduate )


  • 地域作業療法学   ( Postgraduate )


  • 職業リハビリテーション学  

  • 作業療法管理学  


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