

School of Health Science, Department of Nursing, Division of Fundamental and Adult Nursing

Job title


Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life sciences   Basic nursing  

  • Humanities & social sciences   Experimental psychology  

  • Life sciences   Nutrition and health science  

Affiliation 【 display / non-display

  • Sapporo Medical University   School of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing   Professor  


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Exploration of candidate odorants derived from patient skin lesions using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

    IIZAWA Ryosuke, HORIGUCHI Masami, UHARA Hisashi, KAN Yuji, TOGASHI Kunihiro, SUZUKI Makoto, NOMURA Takafumi, ITAGAKI Shiro, UNO Tomoko, NAKAMURA Madoka

    Journal of Japan Association on Odor Environment ( Japan Association on Odor Environment )  55 ( 5 ) 315 - 318  2024.09

     View Summary

    We used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify odor components adhering to the covering material that protects the skin lesions of hospitalized patients. Acetoin, acetol, diacetyl, and isovaleric acid, which are classified as malodors, were identified as qualitative candidate components that adhered to the covering material protecting the skin lesions. These results suggest that the GC-MS method can be used to qualitatively detect candidate odor components from covering materials that protect skin lesions.


  • COVID-19感染拡大により学内実習に変更した基礎看護実習2に関する教育実践報告

    宇野 智子, 中村 円, 飯澤 良祐, 首藤 英里香, 堀口 雅美, 大日向 輝美

    札幌保健科学雑誌 ( 札幌医科大学保健医療学部 )  ( 11 ) 87 - 91  2022.03  [Refereed]

  • COVID-19感染拡大により学内実習に変更した基礎看護実習1に関する教育実践報告

    飯澤 良祐, 宇野 智子, 中村 円, 首藤 英里香, 堀口 雅美, 大日向 輝美

    札幌保健科学雑誌 ( 札幌医科大学保健医療学部 )  ( 11 ) 93 - 97  2022.03  [Refereed]

  • COVID-19感染拡大により遠隔代理実践を導入した看護技術総合演習に関する教育実践報告

    中村 円, 宇野 智子, 飯澤 良祐, 首藤 英里香, 堀口 雅美, 大日向 輝美

    札幌保健科学雑誌 ( 札幌医科大学保健医療学部 )  ( 11 ) 99 - 103  2022.03  [Refereed]

  • Association between chronic psychosocial stress and the finger arterial stiffness mediated by an allostatic load in healthy young men

    Gohichi Tanaka, Masami Horiguchi, Hisayoshi Okamura, Yuichi Kato, Akira Tsuda

    Chronic Stress and Health ( Nova Science Publishers, Inc. )    1 - 32  2017.01

     View Summary

    Allostatic load (AL) describes how chronic psychosocial stress relates to health outcomes. Stiffening of the small artery may be a useful preclinical criterion of AL that indicates the earliest sign of arteriosclerosis. A novel and blood pressure independent index of finger arterial stiffness (FSI Tanaka et al., 2011), along with the cardiac-ankle vascular index (CAVI) as a measure of large artery stiffness, were measured in two different age groups of Japanese asymptomatic young men: those over 23 (O23 mean age, 25.5 ± 3.3 n = 78) and those under 22 (U22 mean age, 20.0 ± 1.3 n = 292) years of age. Arterial stiffness measures were compared in terms of their relationship with AL summary index (ALI), which was defined by the mean of standard scores for 10 variables: body mass index, body fat, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), total cholesterol/HDL ratio, triglycerides, hemoglobin A1c, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance, and Creactive protein. Furthermore, we compared the association of ALI with lifestyle and stress-related psychosocial factors between the groups. ALI and CAVI were significantly higher in the O23 group than in the U22 group (ALI: t = 3.65, p < .01 CAVI: t = 6.15, p < .01), whereas FSI was not (t = 0.61, ns). Nevertheless, regarding the association with ALI after the adjustment for participant age, a partial correlation was significant between FSI and ALI in the O23 group (partial r = .379, p < .01) but not between ALI and CAVI. There were no partial correlations between ALI and either stiffness measure in the U22 group. Stepwise multiple regression analyses excluding smokers revealed that ALI was significantly explained by the psychosocial measures: Anger Control-Out scale in State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (β = -391), age β= .383), and Meaningfulness scale in Sense of Coherence (β = -306) for the O23 group (adjusted R2 = .330 n = 59) by eating quickly (β = .214) and liking strong taste (β =163) in the Eating Behavior Scale and the time spent exercising per week (β = -179) for the U22 group (adjusted R2 = .102 n = 231). In conclusion, our results demonstrate the superiority of FSI to CAVI as an indicator of the early sign of arteriosclerosis mediated by chronic psychosocial stress. ALI and FSI were progressively associated with advancing age in the asymptomatic young men. Furthermore, ALI was differentially associated with psychosocial and lifestyle factors in the two age groups via different kinds of stress-coping strategies. The present findings suggest that a multisystem AL is a mediator linking psychosocial chronic stress to an exacerbation of small arterial stiffness. FSI is likely to be useful for investigating the comprehensive and progressive nature of the early stage of chronic stress-arteriosclerosis linkage.

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Books and Other Publications 【 display / non-display

  • 看護ヘルスアセスメント

    堀口 雅美( Part: Contributor, 腹部・消化器系のアセスメント 形態と機能/第Ⅳ章栄養のアセスメント/フィジカルアセスメントの学習記録)

    メヂカルフレンド社  2011

  • 成人・高齢者看護のためのヘルスアセスメント

    堀口 雅美( Part: Contributor, 部位・機能からみたアセスメント 腹部・消化器系/栄養と代謝のアセスメント)

    メヂカルフレンド社  2004

  • 臨床看護学叢書1 症状別看護

    堀口 雅美( Part: Contributor, 第14章掻痒感)

    メヂカルフレンド社  1997

Misc 【 display / non-display

  • 単一開口部における自然換気の臭気低減効果に関する2条件の比較

    飯澤 良祐, 堀口 雅美

    日本看護研究学会雑誌 ( (一社)日本看護研究学会 )  45 ( 3 ) 522 - 522  2022.10

  • 病室不快臭の科学分析に基づく入院高齢者の生活環境改善に関する基礎研究

    板垣 史郎, 大日向 輝美, 堀口 雅美, 宇原 久, 首藤 英里香, 宇野 智子, 菅 裕司, 中村 円, 飯澤 良祐, 野村 隆文, 森 武士, 冨樫 邦弘

    研究結果報告書集 : 交通安全等・高齢者福祉 ( 三井住友海上福祉財団 )  25   93 - 96  2019


  • 理学療法および作業療法分野の学生を対象とした手指衛生の教育的介入の効果

    首藤英里香, 堀口雅美, 佐藤公美子, 中村円, 齋若奈, 小塚直樹, 中村眞理子, 大日向輝美

    札幌保健科学雑誌   4   41 - 49  2015.03  [Refereed]

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • 病院環境における臭気に対する看護職者の主観的評価と対策に関する調査-北海道の3医療施設を対象として-

    佐藤公美子, 首藤英里香, 堀口雅美, 齋若奈, 中村円, 大日向輝美

    札幌保健科学雑誌   4   25 - 32  2015.03  [Refereed]

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    Gohichi Tanaka, Yuichi Kato, Kenta Matsumura, Masami Horiguchi

    PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY ( WILEY-BLACKWELL )  50   S116 - S116  2013.09

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

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Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Quantitative evaluation method for chronic stress including eating behavior and sense of coherence

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HORIGUCHI Masami

    Authorship: Principal investigator

     View Summary

    Regarding the quantitative evaluation of chronic stress, we verified the validity of the finger arterial dilatation test method and examined the correlation between eating behavior and coherence. The validity of the RH-NPV test (one-sided method) was verified as the finger artery dilatation test method. However, no significant correlation was found between RHI and unhealthy eating behavior, and between RHI and SOC in adolescent women, and there is a problem in using it as a quantitative evaluation of chronic stress.

  • Comprehensive assessment of odors at medical facilities and investigation of measures to deal with and alleviate odors

    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Oohinata Terumi

    Authorship: Coinvestigator(s)

     View Summary

    Medical facilities are prone to have odors peculiar to diseases or resulting from a range of treatments, and these odors play a role in lowering the quality of life of in-patients. However, measures nurses take to alleviate odors of patients are a sensitive issue in the relationship with patients, and this has delayed the research into odor control in Japan compared to Europe and the USA. This study is based on a questionnaire survey to identify the awareness of odors among nurses and determine details of the situation around measures to deal with odors, to contribute to a more comfortable care environment from the viewpoint of nursing science. Further, we measured odors in medical facilities focusing on lavatories, and stoma clinics based on the results of the survey. We collected basic data for a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the odors determined at the measurement sites and provide details of the problems with dealing with the odors at the medical facilities.

  • Effect of female hormones on allostatic load and arterial elasticity in healthy young women


    Project Year :


    Masami HORIGUCHI, Gohichi TANAKA, Yukihiro SAWADA, Yuichi KATO

    Authorship: Principal investigator

     View Summary

    We were examined allostatic load(AL), arterial elasticity index(FEI), eating behavior, and psychological indicators for women in adolescence. Correlation between the AL and the FEI was observed, the blood vessels that load so hard it was suggested that chronic stress is large. In comparison by groups in exercise frequency, significant correlation of indicators and psychology of eating behavior is different in different groups often exercise. In comparison by groups classified by body mass index(BMI) and body fat, the obese in normal BMI group is unhealthy eating behavior from the standard group and the lean group, and it suggested that the chronic stress in the obese in normal BMI group was greater than the standard group and the lean group.

  • Amediating role of allostatic load between chronic psychosocial stress and the vascular health in healthy young men

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Gohichi, HORIGUCHI Masami, SAWADA Yukihiro, KATO Yuichi, OKAMURA Hisayoshi, MATSUMURA Kenta, TSUDA Akira, YAJIMA Jyunpei, ONISI Hirofumi, MORI Mitsuru

    Authorship: Coinvestigator(s)

     View Summary

    The present cross-sectional study was one part of a 5-years prospective cohort study which examines the effects of psychosocial and chronic stress on the early signs of cardiovascular disease in healthy young people. We examined especially if the association between psychosocial factors and vascular health was explained by allostatic load in healthy young men. Partial correlations controlling for age were significant for finger arterial stiffness with inflammatory markers, as well as with a cumulative allostatic load index(ALI). In addition, ALI was significantly correlated with angerrelated personality and lifestyle factors involving unhealthy eating habits and physical exercise. In conclusion, arterial stiffness in young people seems to be associated with vascular pro-inflammation as well as with overall physiological dysregulation and allostatic load. These associations would be moderated by eating lifestyle and psychosocial stress.

  • Evaluating finger arterial flow-mediated dilation ratio and relationship between physiological and psychological factors on cardiovascular risk


    Project Year :


    Masami HORIGUCHI, Gohichi TANAKA, Yukihiro SAWADA, Yuichi KATOH

    Authorship: Principal investigator

     View Summary


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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Relationship of reactive hyperemia-normalized pulse volume (RH-NPV) with eating behavior and sense of coherence according to sex

    Masami Horiguchi, Jumpei Yajima, Hidemi Ito, Gohichi Tanaka, Ryoko Maruyama, Ryosuke Iizawa

    26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

    Event date:
  • Effect of materials used for bed bath on skin cleanliness in healthy women

    Rie Miyamoto, Masami Horiguchi

    26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

    Event date:
  • A prospective observational study of odor components in wound management for patients with dermatological diseases

    Ryosuke Iizawa, Masami Horiguchi, Hisashi Uhara, Yuji Kan, Kunihiro Togashi, Makoto Suzuki, Takafumi Nomura, Shiro Itagaki, Tomoko Uno, Madoka Nakamura

    26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

    Event date:
  • 単一開口部における自然換気の臭気低減効果に関する2条件の比較

    飯澤良祐, 堀口雅美


    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • モニタアラーム音暴露による若年健康男性の皮膚電位反応と心拍変動の検討

    池野航平, 堀口雅美


    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:

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Teaching Experience 【 display / non-display

  • 基礎看護方法3  


  • 看護学研究2  


  • 看護学研究1  


  • 看護統合実習  
