SHINMI Takahiko



School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy (1)

Job title


Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 法学士

Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2006.10

    Internet Technology Research Consortium [Shin ITRC163]


    Japanese Telemedicine and Telecare Association



Affiliation 【 display / non-display

  • Sapporo Medical University   School of Medicine, 1st Dept.of Anatomy  


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Regional healthcare support-network in solitary and remote islands

    Takahiko SHIMMI, Haruyuki Tatsumi

    IEICE Technical Report ( The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers )  Vol.117 ( No.5 ) pp.41 - 46  2017.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International journal]

    Authorship:   Lead author

  • 1.クラウド活用のために:「情報薬」の開発と応用

    辰巳 治之, 溝口 照悟, 新見 隆彦, 太田 秀造, 竹中 郁夫, 菊池 真, 市川 量一, 二宮 孝文, 戸倉 一, 山口 徳蔵

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 ( 公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会 )  127 ( 11 ) 2455 - 2461  2017

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    DOI CiNii

  • On Deployment of Cloud Computing for Medical Purposes --Optimizing based on the "Medical Resource Planning (MRP)"

    Takahiko SHIMMI, Chikara Endo

    Proceedings of NORTH Internet Symposium 2014   vol.20   pp.13 - 16  2014.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:   Lead author

  • Fundamental Design and Its Deployment of the Fetal/Maternal Support Network on Cloud-Computing Environment In Hokkaido

    Takahiko SHIMMI, Chikara ENDO, Tadashi SHIBATA, Tsuyoshi SAITOH, Kazuhiro HARA, Haruyuki TATSUMI

    Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare ( Japanese Telemedicine and Telecare Association )  vol.8 ( No.2 ) pp.125 - 128  2012.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:   Lead author


  • 健康増進への新しい展開 : 医学と情報科学の融合 : 戦略的防衛医療構想 :「情報薬」による超予防医療

    辰巳 治之, 新見 隆彦, 太田 秀造, 溝口 照悟, 菊池 真, 市川 量一, 二宮 孝文, 中村 正弘

    バイオメカニズム学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms ( バイオメカニズム学会 )  35 ( 2 ) 113 - 119  2011.05

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    戦略防衛構想(SDI : Strategic Defense Initiative) では,IT をフル利活用しミサイルが飛んで来るのを逸早く察知して,その軌道を綿密にすばやく計算し,タイミングよく空中で破壊する。このことにより積極的な攻撃は行わず,究極の防衛を実現している。このことにヒントを得て,医療系で実現しようというものが,我々の提案している戦略的防衛医療構想(SDMCI :Strategic Defensive Medica1-Care Initiative) である。 超予防医療としてのこの構想は,Ver.1.0 から始まり,現在では,Ver.3.0 に達している。これらを推進し実現する為の強力な武器は「情報薬」で,IT 及び情報科学との融合が,これからの21 世紀の医療には必須のものとなる。その要素としてのゼロクリック,どこでも逆ナースコール,そして,ユビキタスセンサーネットワークの解説と、その応用例を示した。

    DOI CiNii

Misc 【 display / non-display

  • Regional Medicine supported by Information and communication Technology

    AKASHI Hirofumi, SHIMMI Takahiko, TAKATSUKA Shintaro, TOKURA Hajime, ASARI Toshimitsu, OHISHI Norikatsu, FUJIKAWA Kenji, NATORI Hiroshi, TATSUMI Haruyuki, SATOH Noriyuki

    IEICE technical report. ( The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers )  108 ( 131 ) 41 - 46  2008.07

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    Due to the fact that people are spread over a very wide area in Hokkaido and medical infrastructure and manpower is concentrated in the urban areas, regional medicine supported by ICT is supposed to be the best answer to the problems. We have tried to develop and to estimate a lot of applications and infrastructure for medical information network systems through some projects, such as "Hokkaido Wide Area Medical Network System" project, financed by the MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport), Scientific research granted by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Home Health Care" project, financed by NEDO, "Strategic Information and Communications R & D Promotion Program" financed by MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) and SMU's "Regional Medicine Support" project. We performed medical data or images transmission, remote lectures by using video conference systems and home health care systems. Furthermore, we established security and stability network infrastructure with the use of IPsec, Regional IX, IPv6, TPA (Topological Addressing Policy) and VGN (Virtual Global Network) technologies. In this time we report accomplishments and problems up to the present.


  • 医学・医療関連文書/文献情報に於けるコンテキスト指向技術の適用《形態素解析及びDB実装形態に係る調査・研究》

    新見隆彦, 辰巳治之, 洞口克彦, 三浦光貴, 若狭敏樹, 石田朗, 明石浩史, 戸倉一, 土橋朗, 中村正弘

    医療情報学連合大会論文集 ( (一社)日本医療情報学会 )  26th   741 - 744  2006

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  • 各種ビデオ会議システムによる遠隔地教育支援の実際と評価

    明石浩史, 中村正弘, 戸倉一, 大西浩文, 西城一翼, 山口徳蔵, 新見隆彦, 西陰研治, 木村真司, 佐々木茂, 沢田いずみ, 今野美紀, 片寄正樹, 仙石泰仁, 相馬仁, 小海康夫, 丸山知子, 辰巳治之, 今井浩三

    医療情報学連合大会論文集   25th   1046 - 1047  2005.11


Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Research on establishment of Regional Medical Care Zones for efficient use of medical resources and by re-organization

    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAGUCHI Tokuzo, SHINMI Takahiko, OHNISHI Hirofumi, TAKATSUKA Shintaro, TATSUMI Haruyuki, MORI Mitsuru, TOHSE Noritsugu

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    It has been commonly mentioned that Regional Medical Care Zones (RMCZs) have been established to provide equal opportunities to receive adequate medical care for people in communities. With a view to see if this is being truly realized, we gathered data from four cities and three towns on 19 million invoices to medical insurers for fiscal years 2011 through 2013 after proper anonymization. We created a database for statistical analysis after matching the data from two different insurance systems: National Health Insurance and Elder Healthcare System. Our analysis revealed that there is an inequality in the capacity of RMCZs in providing care; namely, there is a large difference in the proportion of patients seeking medical care outside their own RMCZs according to whether or not each RMCZ has a tertiary medical care institution within. Moreover, there was a large imbalance in the amount of medical expenses among RMCZs.

  • Challenging Establishment of Scientific ProtoScience of Healthcare

    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    TATSUMI Haruyuki, SHIMMI Takahiko, YAMAGUCHI Tokuzo, MIZOGUCHI Shogo

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    Time-honored treatments of proto-sciences were studied to make them much more scientific levels with different view point from conventional one, resulting in "Info-Medicine:JouhouYaku." Reconsideration of the concept of information, healthcare and disease, today's treatments are considered to be a kind of the Info-Med. Dementia, which is the most serious problems in our longevity society, could be overcome with the Info-Med. Cognition failure of information leads to diseases. That is a consequence of the disruption of homeostasis feedback system, which is derived from the dysfunction of the information systems including intra- and inter-cellular signaling system as well as brain (mind). This wide range of dis-eases could be treated with great effectiveness by the counter measures, that is Info-Med including acupuncture, TFT(Thought Field Therapy), psychotherapy(hypnotherapy, meditation, Naikann) and so on.

  • General-purpose Data Collection System for Medical Research using Cloud Computing technology

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    KIUCHI Takahiro, USUKU Kouichiro, TATSUMI Haruyuki, NAKAMURA Masahiro, ISHIKAWA Hirono, SHINMI Takahiko

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    We have developed, maintained, and evaluated general-purpose data collection system for medical research, which is based on cloud computing technology and enables researchers to launch Web-based survey applications. The outputs of this study will contribute to thousands of medical research projects a year in efficiently and securely collecting research data online, and accelerate medical sociological surveys, epidemiological studies, and clinical studies by providing an information infrastructure for collecting medical research data.

  • Ubiquitous EduGational Environment Usabe for Remote Area Doctors

    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    TATSUMI Haruyuki, KIUCHI Takahiro, TAKATSUKA Shintaro, SHIMMI Takahiko, NAKAMURA Masahiro, MORISAKI Tatsurou

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    The requirements for ubiquitous environment of medical education are multi-dimensionally studied to resolve the issues of eccentrically-located doctors. Virtual IX(Internet eXchange) with overlay network and regional networks for medical cooperation are reviewed from the view point of education environment. We concluded that five components we proposed and the coordination are important and the establishment of the medical cloud, equipped with the five components, is prerequisite especially in terms of cost-performance and security.

  • 解剖学に於ける各種文献情報及びNominaの情報技術的統合と展開