Affiliation |
School of Medicine, Department of Medical Oncology |
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Lecturer |
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TAKADA Kouichi
Research Experience 【 display / non-display 】
Department of Medical Oncology, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
札幌医科大学 医学部 腫瘍内科学講座
Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine 助教
Harvard University Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
リサーチ フェロー
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Life sciences Gastroenterology
Life sciences Hematology and oncology
Life sciences Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics がんゲノム医療
Affiliation 【 display / non-display 】
Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Medical Oncologist
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Tomohiro Kubo, Yuki Ikeda, Joji Muramatu, Kazuma Ishikawa, Makoto Yoshida, Kazuharu Kukita, Masafumi Imamura, Shintaro Sugita, Akihiro Sakurai, Kohichi Takada
Cancer Reports ( Wiley ) 7 ( 8 ) 2024.08
LMNA::NTRK1 Fusion-positive Leiomyosarcoma: Discrepancy between DNA-based Comprehensive Genomic Profiling and RNA Sequencing.
Norito Suzuki, Masashi Idogawa, Makoto Emori, Kazuyuki Murase, Yohei Arihara, Hajime Nakamura, Makoto Usami, Tomohiro Kubo, Ichiro Kinoshita, Shintaro Sugita, Takashi Tokino, Tadashi Hasegawa, Akihiro Sakurai, Kohichi Takada
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 63 ( 15 ) 2215 - 2219 2024.08 [Domestic journal]
Yohei Arihara, Ginji Omori, Ko Kobayashi, Shintaro Sugita, Kazuyuki Murase, Tomohiro Kubo, Masashi Idogawa, Tadashi Hasegawa, Kohichi Takada
Cancer Reports ( Wiley ) 7 ( 6 ) 2024.06
Yusuke Akane, Masaki Yamamoto, Akira Takebayashi, Ryo Hamada, Keita Igarashi, Makoto Emori, Shintaro Sugita, Kohichi Takada, Tadashi Hasegawa, Takeshi Tsugawa
Pediatric Blood & Cancer ( Wiley ) 2024.06
Notch signaling genes and CD8+ T-cell dynamics: Their contribution to immune-checkpoint inhibitor therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective study.
Kazuhiro Ogi, Takahiro Iwamoto, Takashi Sasaya, Koyo Nishiyama, Takaaki Tokura, Takanori Sasaki, Hironari Dehari, Yohei Arihara, Kazuyuki Murase, Masato Saito, Masanori Someya, Kohichi Takada, Akihiro Miyazaki
Cancer medicine 13 ( 5 ) e6985 2024.03 [International journal]
Misc 【 display / non-display 】
食道癌 診断と治療のup to date 食道腺癌を含めて 切除可能進行食道癌に対する三剤併用療法ベースの化学放射線療法は手術療法を代替できるか?:傾向スコアマッチング分析
大沼 啓之, 小野山 直輝, 濱口 孝太, 早坂 尚貴, 佐藤 昌則, 村瀬 和幸, 高田 弘一, 宮西 浩嗣, 村上 武志, 伊東 竜哉, 信岡 隆幸, 竹政 伊知朗, 土屋 高旭, 長谷川 智一, 堀 正和, 染谷 正則, 坂田 耕一, 加藤 淳二
日本消化器病学会北海道支部例会・日本消化器内視鏡学会北海道支部例会プログラム・抄録集 ( 日本消化器病学会-北海道支部 ) 128回・122回 35 - 35 2021.03
Targeting Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway for Drug Therapy
Chenglong Liu, Kohichi Takada, Di Zhu
Medicine in Drug Discovery ( Elsevier B.V. ) 8 2020.12
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
荻和弘, 小林淳一, 小林淳一, 西山廣陽, 小池和茂, 高田弘一, 染谷正則, 宮崎晃亘
日本癌治療学会学術集会(Web) 58th 2020
低用量IL2はBCL2の発現を誘導することでCD4制御性T細胞のアポトーシスを抑制する(Low-close interleukin-2 induces BCL2 expression and resistance to apoptosis in CD4 regulatory T Cells)
松野 鉄平, 村瀬 和幸, 高田 弘一, 河野 豊, 平川 昌宏, 宮西 浩嗣, 小船 雅義, 加藤 淳二
札幌医学雑誌 ( 札幌医科大学 ) 87 ( 1-6 ) 49 - 61 2018.12
A multidisciplinary treatment approach using docetaxel, nedaplatin, and 5-FU for advanced esophageal cancer
Hiroyuki Ohnuma, Masahiro Hirakawa, Shohei Kikuchi, Yasushi Sato, Koichi Takada, Koji Miyanishi, Junji Kato
Research paper, summary (international conference)
Awards 【 display / non-display 】
日本肝臓学会 AASLD Travel Award
酸化ストレスと肝研究会 奨励賞
第26回アルコール医学生物学研究会 優秀演題
Research Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Development a novel immunotherapy for HCC targeted by BRG1
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
2022.04-2025.03高田 弘一
Authorship: Principal investigator
Project Year :
2021.08-2024.03Authorship: Coinvestigator(s)
Development a novel therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting STEAP1
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
2019.04-2022.03Takada Kohichi
Development of a new treatment for colorectal cancer using the glucose metabolism characteristics.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
2017.04-2020.03Kato Junji
Reactive oxygen species play roles in multiple myeloma pathogenesis
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
2016.04-2019.03Kohichi Takada