石井 貴男 (イシイ タカオ)



保健医療学部 作業療法学科 作業療法学第二講座



経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2022年07月

    札幌医科大学   保健医療学部 作業療法学科   教授

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ライフサイエンス   精神神経科学  

researchmapの所属 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 札幌医科大学   保健医療学部 作業療法学科   教授  


研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 気分障害

  • コンサルテーション・リエゾン精神医学

  • 精神腫瘍学

  • 慢性疼痛

  • 精神薬理学

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Association between occupational participation and depressive symptoms among middle-aged adults: A cross-sectional study in Hokkaido, Japan.

    Kazuki Yokoyama, Kiyotaka Shimada, Takafumi Morimoto, Takao Ishii, Nozomu Ikeda

    Hong Kong journal of occupational therapy : HKJOT   37 ( 2 ) 63 - 71  2024年12月  [国際誌]


    AIM: This study aimed to investigate the association between occupational participation and depressive symptoms among middle-aged adults in Hokkaido, Japan. METHODS: Community-dwelling adults aged 40-64 years were recruited using snowball sampling, and 165 participants who returned the questionnaires and met the selection criteria were included in the analysis. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Occupational participation, including three domains (leisure, productivity, and self-care) and three aspects (occupational control, occupational balance, and satisfaction of performance), was assessed using Self-completed Occupational Performance Index (SOPI) questionnaire. RESULTS: Multivariate-adjusted regression analysis revealed that depressive symptoms were associated with lower occupational participation in the productivity domain (β = -0.34, p < .001), whereas analysis of each aspect of the SOPI showed a significant association of depressive symptoms with lower occupational control in productivity domain (β = -0.33, p < .001), occupational balance in productivity domain (β = -0.25, p < .001), and satisfaction with performance in leisure domain (β = -0.16, p = .045) and productivity domain (β = -0.35, p < .001). CONCLUSION: Depressive symptoms was significantly associated with low occupational participation in productivity domain in middle-aged adults. In the domains of leisure and self-care, significant associations were found only between depression symptoms and satisfaction of performance. Occupational therapy interventions for middle-aged adults targeting the maintenance and improvement of participation in productive activities may help preventing depressive symptoms.

    DOI PubMed

  • Relationship Between Social Networking Service Addiction and Occupational Dysfunction in Young Adults.

    Takafumi Morimoto, Tsukasa Murakami, Tsutomu Sasaki, Kazuki Yokoyama, Takao Ishii, Nozomu Ikeda

    OTJR : occupation, participation and health     15394492241282790 - 15394492241282790  2024年09月  [国際誌]


    Social networking services (SNSs) are useful tools; however, problematic use leads to mental health problems. This study aimed to examine whether SNS addiction is associated with occupational dysfunction while considering the effects of depression. This cross-sectional study included 268 undergraduates who responded to the questionnaire on the frequency and time of SNS use, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), SNS-X scale, and the Classification and Assessment of Occupational Dysfunction (CAOD). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed effect of the SNS-X score for Instagram was significant (β = 0.174, p = .001) adjusted by the CES-D total score. However, the effect of frequency and time of SNS use were not significant. This suggests that SNS addiction, and not SNS use, is a factor associated with occupational dysfunction that should be emphasized and depression.

    DOI PubMed

  • 【救命救急センターに搬送される自殺企図者に対する精神科医の役割】自殺企図で救命救急センターに搬送される重症患者の臨床的特徴と対応

    石井 貴男, 佐野 智章, 大江 開, 河西 千秋

    精神神経学雑誌 ( (公社)日本精神神経学会 )  125 ( 10 ) 876 - 882  2023年10月



  • Reduced sociability in a prenatal immune activation model: Modulation by a chronic blonanserin treatment through the amygdala-hippocampal axis.

    Kenta Deriha, Eri Hashimoto, Wataru Ukai, Francesca Marchisella, Emi Nishimura, Hanako Hashiguchi, Masaya Tayama, Takao Ishii, Marco A Riva, Chiaki Kawanishi

    Journal of psychiatric research   164   209 - 220  2023年08月  [国際誌]


    The environmental disturbances in a critical neurodevelopmental period exert organizational effects on brain intrinsic plasticity including excitatory and inhibitory (E/I) neurotransmission those can cause the onset of psychiatric illness. We previously reported that treatment of neural precursor cells with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK-801 induced reduction of GABAergic interneuron differentiation, and these changes recovered by atypical antipsychotic blonanserin treatment in vitro. However, it remains unclear how this treatment affects neural circuit changes in hippocampus and amygdala, which might contribute to the prevention of onset process of schizophrenia. To elucidate the pathogenic/preventive mechanisms underlying prenatal environmental adversity-induced schizophrenia in more detail, we administered poly (I:C) followed by antipsychotics and examined alterations in social/cognitive behaviors, GABA/glutamate-related gene expressions with cell density and E/I ratio, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) transcript levels, particularly in limbic areas. Treatment with antipsychotic blonanserin ameliorated impaired social/cognitive behaviors and increased parvalbumin (PV)-positive (+) cell density and its mRNA levels as well as Bdnf with long 3'UTR mRNA levels, particularly in the dorsal hippocampus, in rats exposed to maternal immune activation (MIA). Low dose of blonanserin and haloperidol altered GABA and glutamate-related mRNA levels, the E/I ratio, and Bdnf long 3'UTR mRNA levels in the ventral hippocampus and amygdala, but did not attenuate behavioral impairments. These results strongly implicate changes in PV expression, PV(+) GABAergic interneuron density, and Bdnf long 3'UTR expression levels, particularly in the dorsal hippocampus, in the pathophysiology and treatment responses of MIA-induced schizophrenia and highlight the therapeutic potential of blonanserin for developmental stress-related schizophrenia.

    DOI PubMed

  • Implementations of an evidence‐based assertive case management intervention for suicide attempters: Post‐ACTION‐J Study (PACS)

    Takao Ishii, Naohiro Yonemoto, Yasushi Otaka, Kazuya Okamura, Noa Tsujii, Kotaro Otsuka, Reiji Yoshimura, Toshihiko Kinoshita, Daisuke Fujisawa, Hirokazu Tachikawa, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Yusuke Tsuyama, Satoshi Hashimoto, Chiaki Kawanishi

    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports   2 ( 2 ) e106  2023年06月  [国際誌]


    AIM: An assertive case management intervention program, ACTION-J, proved effective for preventing suicide attempters from reattempting suicide within 6 months. The ACTION-J randomized trial was conducted as part of the "National Strategic Research Projects." The program has been covered by the national medical payment system of Japan since 2016. The aim of the Post-ACTION-J Study (PACS) was to examine the current implementation status of assertive case management in a real-world clinical setting. METHODS: PACS was a prospective, multicenter registry cohort study. The participants were suicide attempters admitted to the emergency departments of 10 participating medical facilities from October 2016 to September 2018. The assertive case management intervention developed by the ACTION-J Study was offered to all patients, and the primary outcome was the duration and frequency of use of the intervention at 6 months. RESULTS: A total of 1159 patients were admitted to emergency departments after a suicide attempt during the study period, 144 of whom were included in our analysis. The proportion of participants who received the intervention for 6 months was 72.2% (104/144), and 63.9% (92/144) of the patients completed ≥7 case management interviews within 6 months. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study indicate successful implementation of an assertive case management intervention program based on the ACTION-J Study in a real-world clinical setting, following its integration with the national medical payment scheme in Japan. The study provided the useful information that could improve the implementation of assertive case management interventions in future.

    DOI PubMed

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Misc 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 自殺未遂者へのアサーティヴ・ケースマネジメントの実装 多施設共同コホート研究

    石井 貴男, 米本 直裕, 大高 靖史, 岡村 和哉, 辻井 農亜, 大塚 耕太郎, 吉村 玲児, 木下 利彦, 藤澤 大介, 太刀川 弘和, 山田 光彦, 津山 雄亮, 橋本 聡, 河西 千秋

    総合病院精神医学 ( (一社)日本総合病院精神医学会 )  35 ( Suppl. ) S - 166  2023年11月

  • 自殺未遂者へのアサーティヴ・ケースマネジメントの実装 多施設共同コホート研究

    石井 貴男, 米本 直裕, 大高 靖史, 岡村 和哉, 辻井 農亜, 大塚 耕太郎, 吉村 玲児, 木下 利彦, 藤澤 大介, 太刀川 弘和, 山田 光彦, 津山 雄亮, 橋本 聡, 河西 千秋

    総合病院精神医学 ( (一社)日本総合病院精神医学会 )  35 ( Suppl. ) S - 166  2023年11月

  • 難治性精神疾患と周産期メンタルヘルス異常の病態・治療法探索 漢方薬と幹細胞を用いた社会性/共感性の行動・脳神経回路変動の解析

    鵜飼 渉, 出利葉 健太, 西村 恵美, 橋本 恵理, 山田 美佐, 橋口 華子, 廣瀬 奨真, 望月 真里菜, 桃木 幸彦, 古瀬 研吾, 石井 貴男, リーバ・マルコ, 河西 千秋

    日本神経精神薬理学会年会プログラム・抄録集 ( (一社)日本神経精神薬理学会 )  53回   151 - 151  2023年09月

  • 発達期環境ストレス誘発統合失調症の病態生理の探索 抗精神病薬によるパルブアルブミン陽性細胞変異に焦点を当てた発症予防法開発を目指す試み

    出利葉 健太, 鵜飼 渉, 西村 恵美, 橋本 恵理, 橋口 華子, 廣瀬 奨真, 望月 真里菜, 桃木 幸彦, 古瀬 研吾, 石井 貴男, Riva Marco A., 河西 千秋

    日本神経精神薬理学会年会プログラム・抄録集 ( (一社)日本神経精神薬理学会 )  53回   153 - 153  2023年09月

  • 皮膚寄生虫妄想を呈したレビー小体型認知症の1例

    姜 撤求, 大江 開, 野呂 孝徳, 石井 貴男, 河西 千秋

    精神神経学雑誌 ( (公社)日本精神神経学会 )  124 ( 12 ) 894 - 894  2022年12月

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共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 血小板のBDNF放出能の変化に着目した慢性疼痛とうつ病のバイオマーカー開発




    石井 貴男

  • 統合失調症の職業機能回復:シンクロナイザーニューロン活性化による共感性増強の意義




    鵜飼 渉, 仲地 ゆたか, 橋本 恵理, 石井 貴男, 館農 勝, 森元 隆文

  • 精神疾患の社会認知障害とその回復の神経基盤:シンクロナイザーニューロン増強の意義




    鵜飼 渉, 橋本 恵理, 石井 貴男, 木川 昌康, 豊島 学, 森元 隆文


    はじめに,胎生期にpoly (I:C)を曝露させる方法で統合失調症モデルラットを作成し,臨床において,統合失調症患者の職業的・社会的機能障害の改善効果が報告されている治療薬を投与することで,同モデルの社会性行動障害が回復し,その効果に,海馬および扁桃体領域のparvalbumin(PV)陽性細胞数の増加が関与することを示した。次に,社会的認知機能基盤に関わる分子変動について解析を進め,治療薬投与により背側海馬においてPV,およびBdnf long 3'UTR mRNAレベルが上昇することを見出し,これらが発達ストレスに関連した統合失調症の発症・病態と治療反応に強く関与することを明らかとした。

  • 統合失調症の社会機能回復-細胞とオキシトシンを用いた“共感性/気遣い”の脳解析




    鵜飼 渉, 岩本 和也, 森元 隆文, 橋本 恵理, 石井 貴男, 木川 昌康, 相馬 仁


    はじめに,幹細胞を投与したモデル動物の社会性機能行動と,投与細胞の脳内分布の解析を進め,患者由来細胞では,移植後に脳内でGAD67/Parvalbumin陽性のGABA系 interneuronになりにくいこと,また,患者由来細胞を移植した群では,コントロール,および健常者由来細胞を移植した群に比べ社会性行動が減少することを観察した。次に,GABA系インターニューロンのシナプス形成能について,前駆構造体フィロポディアのアクチン運動を指標とした解析を進め,患者由来細胞における,フィロボディア運動の低下と,それに対する転写因子TBX1の発現低下の影響の可能性を明らかとした。

  • 神経新生と血小板機能の接点に着目したアルコール関連気分障害の新規診断マーカー開発




    石井 貴男, 橋本 恵理, 松山 清治, 鵜飼 渉, 相馬 仁



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