佐々木 健史 (ササキ タケシ)



保健医療学部 理学療法学科 理学療法学第一講座



学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士(理学療法学)

経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2015年

    札幌医科大学   保健医療学部 理学療法学科   講師


  • 2008年

    札幌医科大学   保健医療学部 理学療法学科   助教

所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示









研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ライフサイエンス   リハビリテーション科学  

researchmapの所属 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 札幌医科大学   保健医療学部   講師  


研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 脳損傷

  • 動物実験

  • 姿勢調節

  • 重心動揺

  • 運動系神経生理学

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Development of the Self-Assessment Self-Disclosure Questionnaire to Examine the Association between Self-Disclosure and Frailty among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Japan

    Kazuki Yokoyama, Hikaru Ihira, Yuriko Matsuzaki-Kihara, Atsushi Mizumoto, Hideyuki Tashiro, Kiyotaka Shimada, Kosuke Yama, Ryo Miyajima, Takeshi Sasaki, Naoki Kozuka, Nozomu Ikeda

    Geriatrics ( MDPI AG )  9 ( 3 ) 67 - 67  2024年05月  [査読有り]


    Self-disclosure is the attitude of communicating one’s experiences and condition to others and is an indicator of mental health and an open personality. Frailty, characterized by reduced physical and psychological resistance, predicts the incidence of dependency and mortality. Although low self-disclosure may be associated with frailty, there is no scale to measure older adults’ self-disclosure. This cross-sectional study assessed the validity of a self-assessment self-disclosure questionnaire and examined the association between the content of self-disclosures to friends and acquaintances and frailty among community-dwelling older adults. A total of 237 adults aged ≥65 in Japan were surveyed using a mailed self-administered questionnaire in 2021. The self-disclosure scale consisted of 10 items and showed adequate validity. Participants were classified into a robust group (n = 117, women 57.3%) and a frailty group (n = 120, women 73.3%) using the Kihon Checklist. After adjusting for covariates, multivariate-adjusted logistic regression models revealed frailty was associated with lower self-disclosure of recent positive events, motivation and strengths (indicating strong points) in life, relationships with family and relatives, experiences of work and social activities, and financial status. The proposed questionnaire must still be further tested in other populations, but our initial results may contribute to preventing frailty and improving mental health among community-dwelling older adults.


  • 脳卒中後アパシーによる身体活動量の減少が病棟歩行自立時期に及ぼす影響 アパシー症例と非アパシー症例の比較による検討

    小菅 凜, 工藤 哲史, 赤岩 眞悠, 佐々木 健史, 古田 亮一, 菅原 和広

    総合リハビリテーション ( (株)医学書院 )  52 ( 3 ) 283 - 287  2024年03月  [査読有り]


    <文献概要>脳卒中患者に生じるアパシー(post-stroke apathy:PSA)は,日常生活動作(activities of daily living:ADL)の回復不良に影響する.歩行能力の回復は自宅退院に向けたリハビリテーション目標としてADLのなかでも特に重要である.本報告では脳卒中患者2症例を経時的に追跡し,PSAが病棟歩行自立に及ぼす影響について検討した.対象は病棟歩行自立の時期が約1ヵ月異なる2症例で,1症例目は発症から退院までPSAを認め,2症例目では同期間でPSAを認めなかった.PSA症例は非PSA症例と比較して歩行自立水準に至るまで期間を要した.その要因として,歩行自立時における歩行評価によって下肢筋力低下,運動耐容能低下や歩行量不足が考えられた.PSAによって病棟での身体活動量が減少し,運動耐容能や筋力の低下などの二次合併症の発生による歩行量の増加不良が生じたため,結果的に病棟歩行自立が遅延したことが文献的考察より示唆された.

  • Does 20 Hz Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation over the Human Primary Motor Cortex Modulate Beta Rebound Following Voluntary Movement?

    Mayu Akaiwa, Yuya Matsuda, Ryo Kurokawa, Yasushi Sugawara, Rin Kosuge, Hidekazu Saito, Eriko Shibata, Takeshi Sasaki, Kazuhiro Sugawara, Naoki Kozuka

    Brain sciences   14 ( 1 )  2024年01月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Beta frequency oscillations originating from the primary motor cortex increase in amplitude following the initiation of voluntary movement, a process termed beta rebound. The strength of beta rebound has been reported to predict the recovery of motor function following stroke, suggesting therapeutic applications of beta rebound modulation. The present study examined the effect of 20 Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) on the beta rebound induced by self-paced voluntary movement. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) and electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from 16 healthy adults during voluntary movements performed before and after active or sham tACS. There was no significant change in average beta rebound after active tACS. However, the beta rebound amplitude was significantly enhanced in a subset of participants, and the magnitude of the increase across all participants was negatively correlated with the difference between individual peak beta frequency and tACS frequency. Thus, matching the stimulus frequency of tACS with individual beta frequency may facilitate therapeutic enhancement for motor rehabilitation.

    DOI PubMed

  • Event-Related Brain Potentials N140 and P300 during Somatosensory Go/NoGo Tasks Are Modulated by Movement Preparation.

    Yuya Matsuda, Yasushi Sugawara, Mayu Akaiwa, Hidekazu Saito, Eriko Shibata, Takeshi Sasaki, Kazuhiro Sugawara

    Brain sciences   14 ( 1 )  2023年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    The Go/NoGo task requires attention and sensory processing to distinguish a motor action cue or 'Go stimulus' from a 'NoGo stimulus' requiring no action, as well as motor preparation for a rapid Go stimulus response. The neural activity mediating these response phases can be examined non-invasively by measuring specific event-related brain potentials (ERPs) using electroencephalography. However, it is critical to determine how different task conditions, such as the relationship between attention site and movement site, influence ERPs and task performance. In this study, we compared attention-associated ERP components N140 and P300, the performance metrics reaction time (RT) and accuracy (%Error) and movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) between Go/NoGo task trials in which attention target and movement site were the same (right index finger movement in response to right index finger stimulation) or different (right index finger movement in response to fifth finger stimulation). In other Count trials, participants kept a running count of target stimuli presented but did not initiate a motor response. The N140 amplitudes at electrode site Cz were significantly larger in Movement trials than in Count trials regardless of the stimulation site-movement site condition. In contrast, the P300 amplitude at Cz was significantly smaller in Movement trials than in Count trials. The temporal windows of N140 and P300 overlapped with the MRCP. This superposition may influence N140 and P300 through summation, possibly independent of changes in attentional allocation.

    DOI PubMed

  • Movement of the stimulated finger in a Go/NoGo task enhances attention directed to that finger as evidenced by P300 amplitude modulation.

    Kazuhiro Sugawara, Mayu Akaiwa, Yuya Matsuda, Eriko Shibata, Hidekazu Saito, Takeshi Sasaki

    Frontiers in human neuroscience   17   1178509 - 1178509  2023年  [国際誌]


    Somatosensory cues and the optimal allocation of attentional resources are critical for motor performance, but it is uncertain how movement of a body part modulates directed attention and the processing of somatosensory signals originating from that same body part. The current study measured motor reaction time (RT) and the P300 event-related potential during a required movement response to stimulation of the same body part in a Go/NoGo task under multiple response. In the Movement Condition, participants were instructed to extend their right index finger in response to mild electrical stimulation of the same finger (Go signal) or remain still when receiving electrical stimulation to the fifth right finger (NoGo signal). Movement RTs and P300 amplitudes and latencies were measured under varying Go signal 50% probabilities. In other trial blocks, participants were required to count Go signals but not respond with movement or to ignore all signals while engaged in an unrelated task. Mean RT in the Movement Condition was 234.5 ms. P300 response amplitudes at midline electrodes (Fz, Cz, Pz) were the largest in the Movement Condition. The P300 amplitude at parietal electrode site Pz was significantly greater during Movement Condition trials than during Count Condition trials. The increase in P300 amplitude during trials requiring movement of the same body part receiving somatosensory stimulation suggests that movement itself modulates the attentional resources allocated to that body part.

    DOI PubMed

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Misc 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ラット大脳皮質感覚運動野および小脳虫部損傷による姿勢調節障害の特徴

    佐々木 健史, 長峯 隆, 松山 清治

    日本生理学雑誌 ( (一社)日本生理学会 )  78 ( 4 ) 65 - 66  2016年07月

  • 脳幹歩行中枢と網様体脊髄路・赤核脊髄路

    松山清治, 佐々木健史

    Clinical Neuroscience   33 ( 7 ) 753 - 757  2015年  [招待有り]

  • 歩行運動と姿勢制御

    松山清治, 佐々木健史

    日本ボバース研究会学術大会誌   4th   17  2014年06月


  • ラット姿勢調節反応の特徴 小動物用重心動揺計を用いた検討

    佐々木 健史, 長峯 隆, 松山 清治

    日本生理学雑誌 ( (一社)日本生理学会 )  76 ( 2 ) 81 - 82  2014年03月

  • 小児の先天性障害による足部障害の機能解剖学的病態把握と理学療法

    小塚直樹, 西部寿人, 横井裕一郎, 佐々木健史, 松山敏勝

    理学療法 ( (株)メディカルプレス )  31 ( 2 ) 175 - 183  2014年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]




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共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 中枢損傷部位の違いによる姿勢調節障害パターンの特定と有効なリハビリ介入方法の探索




    佐々木 健史, 松山 清治



  • 歩行機能回復に作用する中枢歩行制御システムの神経可塑性の解明




    松山 清治, 石黒 雅敬, 佐々木 健史



講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

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