

School of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience

Job title

Assistant Professor

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Education 【 display / non-display

  • 2004

    京都大学大学院   医学研究科   脳統御医科学系専攻  

  • 1999

    京都大学大学院   工学研究科   電子物性工学専攻  

  • 1995

    Kyoto University   Faculty of Engineering   School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering  

  • 1992


Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 2008.03   京都大学   博士(医学)

  • 2001.03   京都大学   修士(工学)

Research Experience 【 display / non-display

  • 2021.03

    Sapporo Medical University   医療人育成センター 統合IR部門  

  • 2013.04

    北海道ハイテクノロジー専門学校   義肢装具士科   非常勤講師

  • 2009.04

    Sapporo Medical University   System Neuroscience, School of Medicine   助教


  • 2008.01

    Osaka University   The Institute of Social and Economic Research   特任研究員


  • 2007.08

    Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International   脳情報研究所   連携研究員


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Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display







Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life sciences   Basic brain sciences  

  • Humanities & social sciences   Experimental psychology  

  • Humanities & social sciences   Cognitive sciences  

Affiliation 【 display / non-display

  • Sapporo Medical University   Systems Neuroscience, School of Medicine   助教  

  • Sapporo Medical University   医療人育成センター 統合IR部門  


Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • 視聴覚音声知覚

  • 共感

  • 顔認知

  • 反応時間課題

  • 頭頂葉

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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • IR情報の自動的な可視化への挑戦

    篠崎 淳, 高塚 伸太朗, 三原 弘, 山本 武志, 鵜飼 渉, 小山 雅之, 小川 宰司, 木村 心南, 佐藤 直, 深川 周平, 横山 和樹, 根木 亨, 辻 喜久

    第13回大学情報・機関調査研究集会 論文集   13   80 - 84  2024.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:   Lead author  , Corresponding author


  • Low blood concentration of alcohol enhances activity related to stopping failure in the right inferior frontal cortex.

    Jun Shinozaki, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Hidekazu Saito, Takashi Murahara, Hiroshi Nagahama, Yuuki Sakurai, Takashi Nagamine

    Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) ( Oxford University Press )  34 ( 3 )  2024.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:   Lead author  , Corresponding author

     View Summary

    ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of low doses of alcohol, which are acceptable for driving a car, on inhibitory control and neural processing using the stop-signal task (SST) in 17 healthy right-handed social drinkers. The study employed simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging and electromyography (EMG) recordings to assess behavioural and neural responses under conditions of low-dose alcohol (breath-alcohol concentration of 0.15 mg/L) and placebo. The results demonstrated that even a small amount of alcohol consumption prolonged Go reaction times in the SST and modified stopping behaviour, as evidenced by a decrease in the frequency and magnitude of partial response EMG that did not result in button pressing during successful inhibitory control. Furthermore, alcohol intake enhanced neural activity during failed inhibitory responses in the right inferior frontal cortex, suggesting its potential role in behavioural adaptation following stop-signal failure. These findings suggest that even low levels of alcohol consumption within legal driving limits can greatly impact both the cognitive performance and brain activity involved in inhibiting responses. This research provides important evidence on the neurobehavioural effects of low-dose alcohol consumption, with implications for understanding the biological basis of impaired motor control and decision-making and potentially informing legal guidelines on alcohol consumption.

    DOI PubMed

  • Appraisal of definition of baseline length for somatosensory evoked magnetic fields.

    Hidekazu Saito, Shogo Yazawa, Jun Shinozaki, Takashi Murahara, Hideaki Shiraishi, Masao Matsuhashi, Takashi Nagamine

    Journal of neuroscience methods ( ELSEVIER )  359   109213 - 109213  2021.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    BACKGROUND: The baseline (BL) segment in the prestimulus period is generally assigned as a reference of evoked activities. However, an experimenter empirically defines its length in each condition. So far, the criterion for the length of a BL segment has not been established. NEW METHOD: We evaluated the effect of the length of the BL segment by recording somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (SEFs) under fixed stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). For the evaluation of the length of the BL segment in the prestimulus period, five proportions in relation to SOA were used as the BL segment. In addition, we adopted other two types of BL segment which were the single data point measured from the value of stimulus onset (BL0) and the mean value of the whole raw data throughout the recording (DC mean). We investigated the influence of the BL segments on SEFs by utilizing two indicators: normalized N20 m amplitudes and estimated locations of corresponding equivalent current dipoles (ECDs). RESULTS: Both indicators did not show any significant differences, based on the factor of BL segments, in any SOA conditions. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD: The BL0 had by far the largest variation in the ECD locations.Therefore, utilizing stimulus onset as the BL segment should be avoided. In addition, considering that other BL segments provided comparable values by the two indicators, the DC mean can reasonably be adopted. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that utilizing the DC mean could be employed as the BL segment.

    DOI PubMed

  • Retained absolute pitch after selective amygdalohippocampectomy.

    Keiko Usui, Jun Shinozaki, Naotaka Usui, Kiyohito Terada, Kazumi Matsuda, Akihiko Kondo, Takayasu Tottori, Takashi Nagamine, Yushi Inoue

    Epilepsy & behavior reports ( ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC )  14   100378 - 100378  2020  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    This study assessed the pre-operative chronic condition and effect of epilepsy surgery in a 21-year-old Japanese woman with drug-resistant right temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). For this patient, it was crucially important to preserve language and her music capabilities, including absolute pitch (AP), which is found in the general population at less than 0.1%. The patient became seizure free, and her AP capability was preserved after selective amygdalohippocampectomy in the non-dominant right hemisphere. Most of the neuropsychological test (WAIS-III and WMS-R) scores remained in the normal range, except for low scores in verbal memory and markedly improved attention/concentration index. The patient's pre- and postoperative brain function related to language and music capabilities were investigated using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) based on two language tasks and a music task (listening to melodies). While task performance was similar in pre- and postoperative examinations, her brain activation patterns markedly differed. The most striking difference was during the music task: areas with significant activation existed in the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes before surgery, whereas postoperative activation was confined to a very limited region in the left angular gyrus. The authors speculate that the surgery triggered some change in functional organization in the brain, which contributed to preserving her capabilities.

    DOI PubMed

  • 収縮様式の異なる随意運動と運動関連脳磁場の関連

    菅原 和広, 齊藤 秀和, 臼井 桂子, 篠崎 淳, 佐々木 健史, 松橋 眞生, 白石 秀明, 長峯 隆

    理学療法学 ( (公社)日本理学療法士協会 )  46 ( Suppl.1 ) O9 - 6  2019.08

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Misc 【 display / non-display

  • 健常高齢者の運動抑制に関連する脳活動の特徴 健常若年者の脳活動との比較より

    玉 珍, 臼井 桂子, 齊藤 秀和, 篠崎 淳, 白石 秀明, 長峯 隆

    日本生体磁気学会誌 ( 日本生体磁気学会 )  35 ( 1 ) 142 - 143  2022

  • 電流源推定に使用するMEGセンサーの選択範囲による影響に関する検討

    齊藤 秀和, 菅原 和広, 臼井 桂子, 篠崎 淳, 石黒 雅敬, 白石 秀明, 松橋 眞生, 長峯 隆

    日本生体磁気学会誌 ( 日本生体磁気学会 )  35 ( 1 ) 94 - 95  2022

  • 生体磁気計測関係のアーチファクト MEG計測において歯科矯正器具によるArtifactを認めた一例

    齊藤 秀和, 菅原 和広, 臼井 桂子, 篠崎 淳, 石黒 雅敬, 白石 秀明, 松橋 眞生, 長峯 隆

    日本生体磁気学会誌 ( 日本生体磁気学会 )  35 ( 1 ) 48 - 49  2022

  • 運動の実技とイメージに共通した一次運動野の神経表象-表象類似性分析を用いた検討-

    今井史, 篠崎淳, 齊藤秀和, 長濱宏史, 櫻井佑樹, 長峯隆, 小川健二

    日本イメージ心理学会大会プログラム・発表論文集(Web)   23rd  2022


  • 運動実行と筋感覚運動イメージに共通した一次運動野の神経表象

    今井史, 篠崎淳, 齊藤秀和, 長濱宏史, 櫻井佑樹, 長峯隆, 小川健二

    日本イメージ心理学会大会プログラム・発表論文集(Web)   21st  2020


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Industrial Property Rights 【 display / non-display

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Works 【 display / non-display

  • 神経生理実習書

    篠崎 淳  Educational material 

Awards 【 display / non-display

  • 優秀発表賞

    2021.09   日本生理学会北海道地方会   混合拍子が聴覚と運動の同期に与える影響のオンライン実験

    Winner: 平中秀治, 北龍之介, 篠崎淳, 臼井桂子, 石黒雅敬, 長峯隆

  • 優秀発表賞

    2021.09   日本生理学会北海道地方会   遠隔講義における時間と画面サイズが疲労に与える影響

    Winner: 小川佳寛, 阿部凌大, 清水裕貴, 篠崎淳, 臼井桂子, 石黒雅敬, 長峯隆

  • オーラルセッションファイナリスト

    2018.11   日本基礎心理学会  

    Winner: 篠崎淳

Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • 長期記憶の障害メカニズム:てんかんと認知症の接点からの電気生理学的アプローチ


    Project Year :


    臼井 桂子, 臼井 直敬, 長峯 隆, 篠崎 淳

    Authorship: Coinvestigator(s)

     View Summary

    記憶は、保持される時間により短期記憶と長期記憶に分類される。短期記憶が正常であるにもかかわらず長期記憶が成立しない記憶障害は、「てんかん」や認知症で見られるが、そのメカニズムの詳細は明らかではない。本研究では、この長期記憶障害の原因と考えられる「記憶の固定化」過程の阻害要因を解明する手掛かりを得ることを目的として、難治性てんかんの外科治療症例の頭蓋内脳波を用いた電気生理学的解析と脳画像解析手法、神経心理学的手法を複合的に活用して、海馬と、側頭葉、前頭葉、頭頂葉等に存在する記憶関連脳部位間ネットワーク活動の特徴を描出し、この解析結果を用いて、記憶機能低下の早期発見に資する非侵襲的脳機能評価手法の開発を目指して実施している。 初年度は、記銘、保持、想起という記憶の3過程の中で、記銘と想起にかかわる大脳の電気的活動の抽出に取り組んだ。難治性てんかんの外科治療前検査のために頭蓋内に硬膜下電極留置中の症例12症例を対象として、総計約1000カ所の頭蓋内電極から本研究者による自主開発の視覚刺激(視覚性言語記憶課題)による言語記憶課題遂行中の大脳皮質脳波を記録し、オフラインで解析した。事象関連電位による解析では、複数の症例で、視覚課題提示後約150ミリ秒にピークを持つ陰性電位を後頭葉の電極に認め、それから約20~50ミリ秒後に側頭葉底面または後頭側頭境界領域の電極に、陽性、または、陰性の電位を確認した。周波数解析では、事象関連電位を認めた後頭葉電極、または、その近傍の電極でγ帯域活動の一過性増加と、αおよびβ帯域活動の一過性低下、さらに、側頭葉底面、または、後頭側頭境界領域の電極においては、記憶課題遂行時に一過性にγ帯域活動増加、それに引き続いて、αまたはβ帯域活動の増加を確認した。これらの知見により、視覚入力信号処理とその後の記憶関連情報処理に関連する電気活動を捉えることに成功した。

  • オンライン下における視聴覚統合の個人差の解明

    Project Year :



    Authorship: Principal investigator

  • 視覚イメージに関与する神経基盤の解明および脳情報の読み取り

    Project Year :



    Authorship: Principal investigator

  • Clarifications and manipulations of brain function changes of facial recall using unknown and known faces

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Shinozaki Jun

    Authorship: Principal investigator

     View Summary

    We have previously shown that the brain functions during recognition of familiar faces (known faces) and that specific neural circuits are involved in the recognition of known faces, which are different from those of unknown faces. However, the changes in brain function during the transition from an unknown face to a known face after repeated viewing were unknown. In the present study, we conducted behavioral and MRI experiments to investigate the change from unknown faces to known faces. The results of the behavioral experiments showed that the percentage of correct responses increased and the accuracy of recall increased as the face became known. However, the MRI experiment failed to detect any change in brain function. Therefore, we suggest that the change from unknown to known faces caused a change in brain function that appeared in behavior but was not detectable by MRI.

  • The dynamics of the two neural routes related to recognition of facial expressions

    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Shinozaki Jun, NAGAHAMA Hiroshi

    Authorship: Principal investigator

     View Summary

    The previous studies have shown that the 2 neural routes are important for facial recognition of strangers; the fusiform gyrus for person identity and the amygdala for facial expression. These studies have examined the face recognition of strangers, but it was unknown whether the close relatives' face was processed by the two same routes. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA), we clarified that the left fusiform gyrus is involved in both person identification and recognition of facial expressions of close relatives. Therefore, in facial recognition of close relatives, the conventional face cognitive model do not apply. We propose a new model for recognition of close relatives' face; an one route model.

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • IR 情報の自動的な可視化への挑戦

    篠崎 淳, 高塚 伸太朗, 三原 弘, 山本 武志, 鵜飼 渉, 小山 雅之, 小川 宰司, 木村 心南, 佐藤 直, 深川 周平, 横山 和樹, 根木 亨, 辻 喜久

    第13回大学情報・機関調査研究会  (関西大学(大阪市)) 

    Presentation date: 2024.11

    Event date:
  • Effects of different movement patterns on the βERS: an EEG and MEG study



    Event date:
  • 十分な自由意志の発現に必要な時間の検討

    木口創太郎, 北平有樹, 篠崎淳


    Presentation date: 2024.09

    Event date:
  • 運動実行と筋感覚運動イメージに共通した一次運動野の神経表象

    今井 史, 篠崎 淳, 齊藤 秀和, 長濱 宏史, 櫻井 佑樹, 長峯 隆, 小川 健二


    Presentation date: 2020.11

    Event date:
  • 視線解析法を用いたMental rotation課題による視空間認知機能評価

    鈴木鮎子, 篠崎淳, 植木美乃, 長峯隆


    Presentation date: 2017.05

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Teaching Experience 【 display / non-display

  • 基礎統計学  



  • 神経生理学  


  • Problem Based Learning  


  • 神経生理実習  


  • 生理学  


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Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2024.03


  • 2021.04


  • 2020.11
