

School of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics

Job title


Research Experience 【 display / non-display

  • 2013.04

    札幌医科大学医学部   遺伝医学   教授


  • 2007.04

    信州大学医学部   遺伝医学・予防医学講座   准教授


  • 2003.04

    信州大学医学部   社会予防医学講座遺伝医学分野   助教授


  • 1994.02

    信州大学医学部   老年医学   助手


  • 1987.09

    The University of Chicago   Thyroid Study Unit   Research Fellow

    Research Fellow

Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2015


  • 2015


  • 2014


  • 2001


  • 1999


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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life sciences   Genetics  

Affiliation 【 display / non-display

  • Sapporo Medical University   School of Medicine   Associate Professor  


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 遺伝子関連検査を知る 二次的所見とActionability Actionabilityサマリーレポート日本版の作成

    西垣 昌和, 井本 逸勢, 櫻井 晃洋

    遺伝子医学 ( (株)メディカルドゥ )  13 ( 4 ) 119 - 125  2023.10

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  • 札幌医科大学附属病院遺伝子診療科の遠隔遺伝カウンセリングの現状と課題

    田中 佑弥, 石川 亜貴, 三浦 彩奈, 隅田 健太郎, 真里谷 奨, 水上 都, 室田 文子, 宮崎 幸子, 櫻井 晃洋

    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 ( (一社)日本遺伝カウンセリング学会 )  44 ( 2 ) 162 - 162  2023.06

  • 難病医療における遺伝カウンセリングに関する動画教材の作成

    佐々木 元子, 川目 裕, 松尾 真理, 小杉 眞司, 櫻井 晃洋, 由良 敬, 高島 響子, 李 怡然, 松川 愛未, 大住 理沙, 神原 容子, 三宅 秀彦

    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 ( (一社)日本遺伝カウンセリング学会 )  43 ( 2 ) 144 - 144  2022.06

  • Prevalence of Germline Variants in a Large Cohort of Japanese Patients with Pheochromocytoma and/or Paraganglioma.

    Masato Yonamine, Koichiro Wasano, Yuichi Aita, Takehito Sugasawa, Katsutoshi Takahashi, Yasushi Kawakami, Hitoshi Shimano, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Hisato Hara, Mitsuhide Naruse, Takahiro Okamoto, Tadashi Matsuda, Shinji Kosugi, Kazuhiko Horiguchi, Akiyo Tanabe, Atsushi Watanabe, Noriko Kimura, Eijiro Nakamura, Akihiro Sakurai, Kiyoto Shiga, Kazuhiro Takekoshi

    Cancers   13 ( 16 )  2021.08  [International journal]

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    The high incidence of germline variants in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL) has been reported mainly in Europe, but not among Japanese populations in Asia. We aimed to study the prevalence of germline variants in Japanese PPGL patients and the genotype-phenotype correlation. We examined 370 PPGL probands, including 43 patients with family history and/or syndromic presentation and 327 patients with apparently sporadic (AS) presentation. Clinical data and blood samples were collected, and the seven major susceptibility genes (MAX, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, TMEM127, VHL, and RET) were tested using Sanger sequencing. Overall, 120/370 (32.4%) patients had pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants, with 81/327 (24.8%) in AS presentation. SDHB was the most frequently mutated gene (57, 15.4%), followed by SDHD (27, 7.3%), and VHL (18, 4.9%). The incidence of metastatic PPGL was high in SDHB carriers (21/57, 36.8%). A few unique recurrent variants (SDHB c.137G>A and SDHB c.470delT) were detected in this Japanese cohort, highlighting ethnic differences. In summary, almost a quarter of patients with apparently sporadic PPGL in Japan harboured germline variants of the targeted genes. This study reinforces the recommendation in Western guidelines to perform genetic testing for PPGL and genotype-based clinical decision-making in the Japanese population.

    DOI PubMed

  • ゲノムカウンセリング教育に関する調査

    佐々木 元子, 川目 裕, 小杉 眞司, 櫻井 晃洋, 松尾 真理, 由良 敬, 高島 響子, 李 怡然, 松川 愛未, 神原 容子, 三宅 秀彦

    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 ( (一社)日本遺伝カウンセリング学会 )  42 ( 2 ) 118 - 118  2021.06

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Misc 【 display / non-display

  • 難病医療における遺伝カウンセリングに関する動画教材の作成

    佐々木 元子, 川目 裕, 松尾 真理, 小杉 眞司, 櫻井 晃洋, 由良 敬, 高島 響子, 李 怡然, 松川 愛未, 大住 理沙, 神原 容子, 三宅 秀彦

    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 ( (一社)日本遺伝カウンセリング学会 )  43 ( 2 ) 144 - 144  2022.06

  • Efficacy of using multi gene panel testing for hereditary cancer syndrome diagnosis

    吉田玲子, 平沢晃, 山内英子, 中村清吾, 櫻井晃洋

    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 ( (一社)日本遺伝カウンセリング学会 )  42 ( 3 ) 241 - 248  2021.11

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  • 標準化を目指した遺伝カウンセリングロールプレイ事例の解析

    三宅秀彦, 三宅秀彦, 三宅秀彦, 四元淳子, 浦野真理, 櫻井晃洋, 蒔田芳男

    医学教育 ( (一社)日本医学教育学会 )  50 ( Suppl. ) 195 - 195  2019.07


  • MEN consortium in Japan.

    内野眞也, 櫻井晃洋, 鈴木眞一, 今井常夫, 小杉眞司, 岡本高宏

    家族性腫瘍(Web)   19 ( 1 )  2019


  • 小児に対するVHL/MEN1/MEN2遺伝子検査 「検査前説明ツール」と「家族向け説明資料」作成へ厚労科研費研究班としての取り組み

    堀内 喜代美, 内野 眞也, 片井 みゆき, 秋山 奈々, 塚谷 延枝, 南谷 幹史, 小杉 眞司, 櫻井 晃洋

    日本内分泌学会雑誌 ( (一社)日本内分泌学会 )  94 ( 4 ) 1244 - 1244  2018.12

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Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • 国民が安心してゲノム医療を受けるための社会実現に向けた倫理社会的課題抽出と社会環境整備

    Project Year :


    小杉眞司, 浅井篤, 井本逸勢, 金井雅史, 川目裕, 児玉聡, 後藤雄一, 櫻井晃洋, 竹ノ内沙弥香, 太宰牧子, 難波栄二, 西垣昌和, 服部高宏, 平沢晃, 三宅秀彦, 武藤香織, 武藤学, 山田崇弘, 吉田雅幸, 渡邊淳

    Authorship: Coinvestigator(s)

  • ゲノム情報を活用した遺伝性腫瘍の先制的医療提供体制の整備に関する研究

    Project Year :



    Authorship: Principal investigator

  • Creation of genetic counseling role-play curriculum with rubric table

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MIYAKE Hidehiko

    Authorship: Coinvestigator(s)

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    Role-play exercise is standard method for genetic counseling education. Since education for medical interviews is fraught with differences in evaluation, it was thought that the use of an evaluation chart called “rubric” might be useful. This study was aimed to develop a genetic counseling role-playing exercise curriculum with rubric chart for the evaluations. We collected educational materials from institutions nationwide that provide genetic counseling education and surveyed their content. Based on the results, 11 conditions were selected for role-play exercises, and 11 role-play scenarios for these conditions were developed. Finally, we published a text book for genetic counseling with 11 role-play scenarios.

  • ゲノム情報を活用した遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌診療の標準化と先制医療実装にむけたエビデンス構築に関する研究

    Project Year :



    Authorship: Principal investigator

  • Preventive behavior after receiving risk evaluation by direct-to-consumer genetic tests: simulation study

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Nishigaki Masakazu

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    We investigated influence of direct-to-consumer genetic testing of common disease risk to health behavioral intention. A total of 1,040 adults (age 20 to 69) participated this study. They provided virtual results showing high/moderate/low risk of common disease and obesity. Participants tended to put emphasis on genotypic risk rather than actual phenotypic risk. For example, obese participants would withdraw their intention to take healthy behavior if they receive results of low genotypic risk. Such optimistic changes frequently occur in participant with low genomic literacy. These results show that direct-to-consumer genetic testing of common disease could be a harm in specific population. Healthcare professionals should be cautious about spread of direct-to-consumer genetic testing and try to improve genomic literacy in general population.

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