TANGE Syoichiro



Institute of Cancer Research, Department of Medical Genome Sciences

Job title

Assistant Professor

Professional Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2024.10


  • 2014


  • 2007


Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life sciences   Tumor biology  


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Genetic Characteristics of Cutaneous, Acral, and Mucosal Melanoma in Japan

    Tokimasa Hida, Masashi Idogawa, Junji Kato, Yukiko Kiniwa, Kohei Horimoto, Sayuri Sato, Masahide Sawada, Shoichiro Tange, Masae Okura, Ryuhei Okuyama, Takashi Tokino, Hisashi Uhara

    Cancer Medicine    2024.11


  • 日本の一般健常人集団におけるBRCA1およびBRCA2バリアントの頻度と病原性(The frequency and pathogenicity of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants in the general Japanese population)

    井戸川 雅史, 真里谷 奨, 丹下 正一朗, 櫻井 晃洋, 時野 隆至

    日本癌学会総会記事 ( (一社)日本癌学会 )  83回   J - 1048  2024.09

  • 口腔がんにおける悪性化関連遺伝子群転写抑制機構の解明(Nuclear protein X represses the transcription of malignancy-related genes in oral cancer cell lines)

    丹下 正一朗, 後藤 生子, 川島 秀器, 井戸川 雅史, 佐々木 泰史, 時野 隆至

    日本癌学会総会記事 ( (一社)日本癌学会 )  83回   P - 2241  2024.09

  • Mosaic SUFU mutation associated with a mild phenotype of multiple hereditary infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma syndrome.

    Marina Hamada, Tokimasa Hida, Masashi Idogawa, Shoichiro Tange, Takafumi Kamiya, Masae Okura, Toshiharu Yamashita, Takashi Tokino, Hisashi Uhara

    The Journal of dermatology    2024.08  [International journal]

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    Multiple hereditary infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma syndrome (MHIBCC), an autosomal dominant disorder caused by variants in SUFU, is characterized by numerous infundibulocystic basal cell carcinomas (IBCCs). In this report, we present a possible case of mosaic MHIBCC. A 57-year-old woman underwent the removal of four papules on her face, which were diagnosed as IBCCs. Exome sequencing revealed a SUFU c.1022+1G>A mutation within the skin tumor. The same mutation was detected in her blood but at a lower allele frequency. TA cloning revealed that the allele frequency of the mutation in the blood was 0.07. Additionally, tumor assessment revealed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in chromosome 10, including the SUFU locus. These results indicate the patient had mosaicism for the SUFU mutation in normal tissues, aligning with the mosaic MHIBCC diagnosis. This, combined with LOH, likely contributed to IBCC development. Mosaic MHIBCC may present with milder symptoms. However, it may still increase the risk of developing brain tumors and more aggressive basal cell carcinoma. The possibility of mosaicism should be investigated in mild MHIBCC cases, where standard genetic tests fail to detect SUFU germline variants.

    DOI PubMed

  • クローズアップ実験法(series 370) 知っていますか?TCGAの更新状況

    丹下 正一朗, 井戸川 雅史, 時野 隆至

    実験医学 ( (株)羊土社 )  42 ( 9 ) 1414 - 1424  2024.06

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Misc 【 display / non-display

  • Molecular mechanisms of suppression of Claudin-1 expression in oral cancer cell lines

    丹下正一朗, 井戸川雅史, 川島秀器, 佐々木泰史, 時野隆至

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   46th  2023


  • 長鎖非コードRNA lncAC1は大腸癌の進行を促進する

    小泉 昌代, 井戸川 雅史, 丹下 正一朗, 時野 隆至

    日本癌学会総会記事 ( (一社)日本癌学会 )  80回   [P14 - 5]  2021.09

  • 膵臓がんにおける新規予後予測遺伝子の機能解析

    丹下 正一朗, 平野 朋美, 井戸川 雅史, 平田 英周, 井本 逸勢, 時野 隆至

    日本癌学会総会記事 ( (一社)日本癌学会 )  80回   [J15 - 6]  2021.09

  • カスタムパネルシーケンスを用いた日本人メラノーマのドライバー遺伝子の検出

    肥田 時征, 井戸川 雅史, 堀本 浩平, 加藤 潤史, 佐藤 さゆり, 藤岡 茉生, 丹下 正一朗, 時野 隆至, 宇原 久

    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 ( (公社)日本皮膚科学会 )  131 ( 5 ) 1363 - 1363  2021.05

  • 日本人口腔扁平上皮癌における全exome解析

    佐々木泰史, 中垣貴文, 中垣貴文, 荻和弘, 丹下正一朗, 井戸川雅史, 宮崎晃亘, 時野隆至

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   42nd  2019


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Research Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Mechanobiology of metastasis

    Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Collaborative Research)

    Project Year :


    石原 誠一郎, 石井 琢郎, 石橋 公二朗, 丹下 正一朗

  • Functional analysis of primate-specific genes in the process of oral cancer development

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    丹下 正一朗

  • 口腔がん組織において予後マーカーとなりうるPRC2構成蛋白質の機能探索


    Project Year :


    丹下 正一朗

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  • Functional analysis of the caveola-specific protein during tumor progression

    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Tange Shoichiro

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    In this study, we analyzed the genes identified as candidate prognostic markers across carcinomas. Analysis of TCGA information in a database of clinical specimens showed that some candidate genes were up-regulated in some tumors, including breast cancer, and that the overall survival of the high expression group was significantly shorter than that of the low expression group. Quantitative PCR experiments using a breast cancer cell line cDNA also showed enhanced transcription of the gene. However, we counld not observe the protein translated from the gene. Thus, although this gene does not directly contribute to the malignant transformation of tumors, it is considered to be a valid marker of poor prognosis malignancy because elevated transcriptional levels correlate with shorter survival.

  • Platform for Advanced Genome Science

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas ― Platforms for Advanced Technologies and Research Resources

    Project Year :


    KOHARA Yuji, Kato Kazuto, Kawashima Minae, TOYODA Atsushi, Suzuki Yutaka, MITSUI Jun, Hayashi Tetsuya, TOKINO Takashi, Kurokawa Ken, Nakamura Yasukazu, Noguchi Hideki, IWASAKI WATARU, Morishita Shinichi, Asai Kiyoshi, Kasahara Masahiro, Ito Takehiko, Yamada Takuji, KUHARA Satoshi, Takahashi Hiroki, Sakakibara Yasubumi, HAMADA MICHIAKI, Takagi Toshihisa, SESE JUN, Ogura Yoshitoshi, Ida Ryuichi, YAMAGATA Zentaro, Masui Toru, Muto Kaori, Kodama Satoshi, Setoyama Koichi, Kokado Minori, Ohashi Noriko, FUJIYAMA Asao, INOUE Ituro, Nakaoka Hirofumi, Sugano Sumio, Tsuji Shoji, Gotoh Yasuhiro, Nakamura Keiji, Ogura Yoshitoshi, Okuno Miki, Nakase Hiroshi, SASAKI Yasushi, IDOGAWA Masashi, Tange Shoichiro, Mori Hiroshi, OGASAWARA Osamu, Tanizawa Yasuhiro, Kondo Shinji, kiryu hisanori, Kajitani Rei, TASHIRO Kosuke, Frith Martin, HIRAKAWA Hideki, Suzuki Hiromu, NOSHO KATSUHIKO, KAI Masahiro

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    Our group has provided the state of art genome technologies, named PAGS Support, including de novo genome sequencing, variation analysis, epigenomics, RNA analysis, metagenome analysis and single cell analysis, to the projects that were selected from proposals based on KAKENHI projects. Thus far, we have provided PAGS Support to altogether 912 proposals that were selected from 1988 proposals. The proposals cover the most fields of life sciences, expanding to the fields of physical sciences, environmental studies and so on. Thus far 556 papers have been published as the outcome, which covers from biology to agriculture, medicine and pharmacy, from basic to applied sciences. Our group has also developed new technologies and algorithms to overcome the problems emerged in the PAGS Support, which are used in the other PAGS Support projects. This is a positive cycle and therefore our system becomes a very effective way for the promotion of biological sciences.

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