

School of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery

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Affiliation 【 display / non-display

  • Sapporo Medical University   CardioVascular Surgery   Associate Professor  


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Unraveling Novel Subsets of Lymphocytes Involved in Sac Expansion in the Tertiary Lymphoid Structure Within an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.

    Itaru Hosaka, Ippei Ikegami, Takuma Mikami, Tatsuya Sato, Toshifumi Ogawa, Kei Mukawa, Marenao Tanaka, Keisuke Endo, Yukinori Akiyama, Akihito Ohkawa, Junji Nakazawa, Tsuyoshi Shibata, Tomohiro Nakajima, Yutaka Iba, Chikara Shiiku, Satoshi Sumino, Ryuji Koshima, Kenichi Takano, Shingo Ichimiya, Nobuyoshi Kawaharada, Masato Furuhashi

    Journal of the American Heart Association     e040279  2025.02  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic inflammation is involved in the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). A tertiary lymphoid structure (TLS) within vascular lesions has recently been focused on for its role in modulation of inflammation in local tissues. We aimed to elucidate the relationships between TLS and pathophysiology of AAA. METHODS: Abdominal aortic samples obtained from 37 patients with AAA (men/women: 34/3, age: 72.8±9.9 years) and 15 autopsied patients who died from non-aortic events (men/women: 11/4, age: 65.5±9.8 years) were investigated. RESULTS: TLSs in AAA lesions were confirmed by focal infiltration of CD3-positive cells surrounding germinal center-like structures containing CD20-positive cells between the tunica adventitia and tunica media layers. The formation of a TLS was significantly more prevalent in AAA patients than in autopsied patients. The number of TLSs in AAA lesions was positively correlated with sac diameter (r=0.357, P=0.035) and the amount of intraluminal thrombosis (r=0.466, P=0.005). T cells and B cells were predominant cellular populations among CD45+ cells in AAA lesions. There was a significantly positive correlation between the proportions of interfollicular T follicular helper (CD3+CD4+CD45RA-CXCR5+PD-1+) cells and double negative B (CD3-CD19+IgD-CD27-) cells, and they were positively correlated with sac diameter, intraluminal thrombosis, and serum lipids. Deposited single-cell RNA-sequencing data for AAA showed that T follicular helper cells and double negative B cells were associated with lipid metabolism, T cell activation/proliferation and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: The formation of a TLS in AAA lesions is associated with sac diameter and intraluminal thrombosis in connection with interfollicular T follicular helper cells and double negative B cells, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of AAA and might be novel therapeutic targets for the development of AAA.

    DOI PubMed

  • SFA領域のEVTにおけるDevice選択 再狭窄形態からDESをどう選ぶべきか REALDES study preliminary dateより

    柴田 豪, 伊庭 裕, 新垣 正美, 中西 敬太郎, 山下 修, 椿本 恵則, 木村 文昭, 畑田 充俊, 笠島 史成, 植野 恭平, 中島 智博, 仲澤 順二, 三浦 修平, 在原 綾香, 川原田 修義

    日本血管外科学会雑誌 ( (NPO)日本血管外科学会 )  33 ( Suppl. ) PD2 - 3  2024

  • Diaphragmatic paralysis following open-heart surgery in an adult.

    Masayuki Akatsuka, Tomohiro Nakajima, Saori Miyagishima, Yutaka Iba, Yoshiki Masuda

    Oxford medical case reports   2023 ( 12 ) omad140  2023.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    DOI PubMed

  • Ten-year follow-up study of a young woman with loeys-dietz syndrome: a case report.

    Tomohiro Nakajima, Yutaka Iba, Tsuyoshi Shibata, Itaru Hosaka, Jyunji Nakazawa, Nobuyoshi Kawaharada

    Journal of cardiothoracic surgery   18 ( 1 ) 209 - 209  2023.07  [International journal]

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    We herein report the 10-year surgical course of a 27-year-old woman who underwent two surgeries after being diagnosed with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. As described in previous cases, this patient developed ectopic arterial enlargement. We followed her temporal changes over a 10-year period, including the changes in computed tomography, pathology, and surgery.

    DOI PubMed

  • One Year Outcomes of Zilver PTX Versus Eluvia for Femoropopliteal Disease in Real-World Practice: REALDES Study.

    Tsuyoshi Shibata, Yutaka Iba, Masami Shingaki, Osamu Yamashita, Yoshinori Tsubakimoto, Fumiaki Kimura, Atsutoshi Hatada, Fuminori Kasashima, Kyohei Ueno, Keitaro Nakanishi, Kiyofumi Morishita, Tomohiro Nakajima, Junji Nakazawa, Akihito Ohkawa, Itaru Hosaka, Ayaka Arihara, Shingo Tsushima, Nobuyoshi Kawaharada

    Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists     15266028231179861 - 15266028231179861  2023.06  [International journal]

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    PURPOSE: This multicenter, prospective, observational study aimed to compare Zilver PTX and Eluvia stents in real-world settings for treating femoropopliteal lesions as the differences in the 1-year outcomes of these stents have not been elucidated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Overall, 200 limbs with native femoropopliteal artery disease were treated with Zilver PTX (96 limbs) or Eluvia (104 limbs) at 8 Japanese hospitals between February 2019 and September 2020. The primary outcome measure of this study was primary patency at 12 months, defined as a peak systolic velocity ratio of ≤2.4, without clinically-driven target lesion revascularization (TLR) or stenosis ≤50% based on angiographic findings. RESULTS: The baseline clinical and lesion characteristics of Zilver PTX and Eluvia groups were roughly comparable (of all limbs analyzed, approximately 30% presented with critical limb-threatening ischemia, approximately 60% presented with Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus II C-D, and approximately half had total occlusion), except for the longer lesion lengths in the Zilver PTX group (185.7±92.0 mm vs 160.0±98.5 mm, p=0.030). The Kaplan-Meier estimates of primary patency at 12 months were 84.9% and 88.1% for Zilver PTX and Eluvia, respectively (log-rank p=0.417). Freedom from clinically-driven TLR rates were 88.8% and 90.9% for Zilver PTX and Eluvia, respectively (log-rank p=0.812). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the Zilver PTX and Eluvia stents were not different regarding primary patency and freedom from clinically-driven TLR at 12 months after treating patients with femoropopliteal peripheral artery disease in real-world settings. CLINICAL IMPACT: This is the first study to reveal that the Zilver PTX and Eluvia have similar results in real-world practice when the proper vessel preparation is performed. However, the type of restenosis in the Eluvia stent may differ from that in the Zilver PTX stent. Therefore, the results of this study may influence the selection of DES for femoropopliteal lesions in routine clinical practice.

    DOI PubMed

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Misc 【 display / non-display

  • 手術ハイリスク患者のComplex aortic aneurysmに対するPhysician modified inner branched endovascular repairの早期成績

    柴田 豪, 伊庭 裕, 中島 智博, 仲澤 順二, 大川 陽史, 保坂 到, 在原 綾香, 對馬 慎吾, 川原田 修義

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 ( (一社)日本外科学会 )  123回   SF - 5  2023.04

  • 胸腹部大動脈瘤術後対麻痺の経過中に生じた大腿骨近位部周囲Neurogenic heterotopic ossificationの経験

    保坂 到, 伊庭 裕, 對馬 慎吾, 柴田 豪, 仲澤 順二, 中島 智博, 川原田 修義

    日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 ( (NPO)日本心臓血管外科学会 )  52 ( 2 ) 128 - 132  2023.03

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    症例は生来著患のない59歳男性.検診で高血圧症を指摘され近医を受診した.精査のCT検査でCrawford II型相当の胸腹部大動脈瘤が指摘され,精査加療目的に当科紹介となった.手術侵襲を低減させる目的で,一期目に全弓部置換術,二期目に胸部ステントグラフト内挿術,三期目にIII型相当の胸腹部置換術を行う計画的分割手術を施行した.三期目の胸腹部置換術後に対麻痺を認め種々の支持療法にても改善を得られず,下肢麻痺および膀胱直腸障害が残存した.リハビリ施行ののち術後67日目に回復期病院に転院となった.転院後褥瘡形成や反復する尿路感染を認め抗生剤加療が開始されていたが改善に乏しく,またCT上両側大腿骨周囲に血腫形成と異所性骨化を認め,集学的治療が必要と判断され転院後約4ヵ月で当院へ再入院となった.臨床経過および画像所見から術後対麻痺に合併したNeurogenic heterotopic ossificationと診断した.褥瘡および尿路感染に対する抗生剤加療を継続すると同時に,強度に留意しながらリハビリを継続することで異所性骨化の増悪を認めず経過した.入院後44日目に皮弁を施行し,79日目に再転院となった.Neurogenic heterotopic ossification自体の病態生理は不明な点が多く治療法も定まったものはないが,術後対麻痺を合併した症例においてはNeurogenic heterotopic ossificationが生じるリスクにより術後のリハビリ自体が制限され,手術侵襲からの回復やADL維持を困難にさせる可能性が考えられた.リスク因子に対する適切な予防マネージメントを講じ,早期発見に務めることが重要と考えられた.(著者抄録)

  • Analysis of the Relationship between Blood Flow, Function, and CHA2D2-VASc Score in the LAA and LA Using 4D Flow MRI(タイトル和訳中)

    大川 陽史, 伊庭 裕, 中島 智博, 柴田 豪, 保坂 到, 在原 綾香, 對馬 慎吾, 川原田 修義

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 ( (一社)日本循環器学会 )  87回   PJ020 - 3  2023.03

  • 体外循環中ヘパリン濃度測定による抗凝固管理下で開心術を施行した抗リン脂質抗体症候群合併の1例

    梅田 璃子, 中島 智博, 伊庭 裕, 保坂 到, 大川 陽史, 安田 尚美, 柴田 豪, 仲澤 順二, 川原田 修義

    日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 ( (NPO)日本心臓血管外科学会 )  52 ( 1 ) 9 - 13  2023.01

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    症例は72歳女性.2014年より全身性エリテマトーデス,抗リン脂質抗体症候群(antiphospholipid antibody syndrome;APS)加療のために通院中であった.2020年にリウマチ性重症僧帽弁狭窄症(mitral valve stenosis;MS)により労作時息切れが出現し,あわせて発作性心房細動と冠動脈狭窄を指摘され,手術の方針となった.手術は僧帽弁置換術+三尖弁輪形成術+冠動脈バイパス+肺静脈隔離術+左心耳閉鎖術を行った.APSによる活性化凝固時間(active clotting time;ACT)延長に対する対策として,術中の人工心肺における抗凝固管理は,HMS PLUSを用いて血中ヘパリン濃度指標下に抗凝固管理を行った.周術期に出血性合併症や血栓塞栓症は認めず,術後23日目に自宅退院した.今回,APL患者の人工心肺を用いた開心術において,目標ヘパリン濃度を3.5U/mlに設定しHMS PLUSによるヘパリン濃度測定下に抗凝固管理を行い,合併症なく経過したため報告する.(著者抄録)

  • PICC抜去困難に対する治療経験 外科的摘出例と血管内手技の応用例

    大川 陽史, 伊庭 裕, 對馬 慎吾, 保坂 到, 柴田 豪, 仲澤 順二, 中島 智博, 川原田 修義

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 ( 日本臨床外科学会 )  83 ( 12 ) 2123 - 2124  2022.12

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